job decision
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I just moved to Philly and have 2 job offers to choose from. One is for a pharmaceutical ad agency doing design work. They offered me $41,000 a year and a solid benefits package. But it's pharma work which is ass boring and probably will do nothing for my career.The second offer is for temp freelance at an ad agency that does really cool creative work. They're willing to pay me $200 a day for a couple weeks and then reassess their needs at which point they said they might bring me on full-time, have more freelance, or worst case have nothing at all for me. This is basically the type of agency I've been dreaming about working at, but not knowing how it will unravel makes me nervous. Any words of advice? These are the first job offers of my career so I'm not used to making decisions like this.
Judging from your 2 descriptions it's pretty evident you want option 2.
In my experience any job that you already know is going to be boring will drive you crazy hour after hour. Do you have more resume's, portfolio's out there in the city that you still may get offers from?
i say go with the the dream-type job if for nothing else than a bit of perspective (and enjoyment....and $$!) That's just where i'm at right now. i am really searching for a sip of the juice and i think if that kind of offer came my way i would be all over it.
fuck that. sorry 16, but that don't fly. you better go with job #2 b4 you find yourself an alcoholic in three years and the solid health benefit plan is only paying for your therapy and prozac. seriously. don't live in fear and go with your's the only responsible thing to do because ultimately, there will be other boring ass jobs that you can get. you've only been there like a month, right? dude, if you already got a boring job offer, you sure as hell will get what feels right--take it from a guy who stayed safe for TOO many years and totally regretted it and now is doing major backpedalling....