a bat flew into my house

One moment I'm sitting here relaxing, listening to the new Yukimi Nagano/Koop, then I see this big ass shadow flapping around. I thought it was a bird at first then realized it was a bat.how the bloody hell am I supposed to get rid of it?I have it contained in one room, and left the window open. The thing is too stupid to fly out on its own. When I go in the room to try and shooo it out, it freaks out and flys super fast in circles around the room.goddamnit
they crazy, I'm not going to sit in a pitch dark room when a bat is flying all over the place. I was rocking a full parka w/ gloves and "toque" (yes CANADUH speak) when I was in there earlier. I looked like I was in a Black Moon video.
this has been a kooky night.
One the bats flew right at him and in a moment of the most graceful drunken athleticism, Joe smacked it clear across the room. I think the other one took the hint and flew out the chimney.
Oh, and when you kill one, they sound exactly like a person screaming.
i was reminded at the time that the only real problem with bats (and its a big one) is that some of them carry rabies, and you never know which ones. so yeah, you do not want to get bit!
i also learned that contrary to popular opinion, they are actually closer relatives to monkeys and apes than they are to rodents.
B/W Check your PMs.
This is pretty gross, iimmature, and just fucking ignorant. Perfect example of why a U.S. senate candidate can call someone macaca and "it's okay".
Bats don't attack people for no reason. The chances of you getting bit are non-existent unless you are holding the bat in your hands.
...wait for it...
...batshit crazy! *ducks hurled tomatoes*
Relax Dr. Doolittle.. It was only a wiffle ball bat, the bat was dazed but but not dead. We took it outside and it flew off into the night a few minutes later.
Admittedly we were young and stupid, but conflating a few drunk kids defending their home from a bat invasion with racist politicians is
Favorite Vampire/Bat/Dracula Movies.....
the people want to know: has the bat left yet?? or are yall sharing bean dip?
I thought it was gone, I left the window open overnight. Didn't hear anything on friday, didn't hear a peep today either. Now all of a sudden, it popped back out of hiding.
WTF, get out of my room you stupid bat. It's impossible trying to trap it w/ one person. I tried shooing it for another 10 mins but it was of no use. I give up.......
I am now resorting to the open window w/ lights off tactic again. Hopefully it's smarter this time and decides to leave.