a bat flew into my house

AserAser 2,351 Posts
edited August 2006 in Strut Central
One moment I'm sitting here relaxing, listening to the new Yukimi Nagano/Koop, then I see this big ass shadow flapping around. I thought it was a bird at first then realized it was a bat.how the bloody hell am I supposed to get rid of it?I have it contained in one room, and left the window open. The thing is too stupid to fly out on its own. When I go in the room to try and shooo it out, it freaks out and flys super fast in circles around the room.goddamnit


  • lucerolucero 425 Posts
    ha, the same thing happened to me when I was in a rented holiday house earlier this year - lucky it was a small bugger & we were able to capture it in a sheet and bundle it outside

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    I can't wait 'til the jpegs start dropping!

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    Next, as long as the bat has not bitten or scratched anyone, open any windows or doors that lead to the outside. Remain in the room so that you don't lose track of the bat. Stand or sit quietly to allow the bat a clear flight path and give it a chance to exit by following the air currents to the outside. Turn down any lights in the room so that the bat doesn't hide behind the curtains or furniture to avoid the light.

    they crazy, I'm not going to sit in a pitch dark room when a bat is flying all over the place. I was rocking a full parka w/ gloves and "toque" (yes CANADUH speak) when I was in there earlier. I looked like I was in a Black Moon video.

    this has been a kooky night.

  • My friend Joe had 2 bats fly in thru his chimney one night. So we all got wasted and broke out the heavy artillery:

    One the bats flew right at him and in a moment of the most graceful drunken athleticism, Joe smacked it clear across the room. I think the other one took the hint and flew out the chimney.

  • One year in college we had a total of 11 bats in the house. You can get fined if you kill em, but shit, we didn't take the chance of getting bit.

    Oh, and when you kill one, they sound exactly like a person screaming.

  • karlophonekarlophone 1,700 Posts
    i dont know how to shoo a bat out of a house, but recently i was at relatives and they have a pool and on the side is the table and chairs with the big fold out umbrella thing. so we unfurl it and a little friend had decided to roost up in there the night before. he didnt leave though, just kept napping. i was able to get really close and get some pix.

    i was reminded at the time that the only real problem with bats (and its a big one) is that some of them carry rabies, and you never know which ones. so yeah, you do not want to get bit!

    i also learned that contrary to popular opinion, they are actually closer relatives to monkeys and apes than they are to rodents.

  • Admit that this entire post is a ploy to get some decent bat recipes.

    B/W Check your PMs.

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    My friend Joe had 2 bats fly in thru his chimney one night. So we all got wasted and broke out the heavy artillery:

    One the bats flew right at him and in a moment of the most graceful drunken athleticism, Joe smacked it clear across the room. I think the other one took the hint and flew out the chimney.

    This is pretty gross, iimmature, and just fucking ignorant. Perfect example of why a U.S. senate candidate can call someone macaca and "it's okay".

    Bats don't attack people for no reason. The chances of you getting bit are non-existent unless you are holding the bat in your hands.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    Wow, this thread is...

    ...wait for it...

    ...batshit crazy! *ducks hurled tomatoes*

  • This is pretty gross, iimmature, and just fucking ignorant. Perfect example of why a U.S. senate candidate can call someone macaca and "it's okay".

    Bats don't attack people for no reason. The chances of you getting bit are non-existent unless you are holding the bat in your hands.

    Relax Dr. Doolittle.. It was only a wiffle ball bat, the bat was dazed but but not dead. We took it outside and it flew off into the night a few minutes later.

    Admittedly we were young and stupid, but conflating a few drunk kids defending their home from a bat invasion with racist politicians is

  • mallardmallard 452 Posts
    had a similar experience a couple years ago. threw on gloves and some afreaka head gear and, since it constantly flies in the same path, i just jumped up with a laundry basket and pinned it against the window.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    had a similar experience a couple years ago. threw on gloves and some afreaka head gear

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Thread Hijack

    Favorite Vampire/Bat/Dracula Movies.....

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,923 Posts

  • mordecaimordecai 2,204 Posts
    I looked like I was in a Black Moon video.

    the people want to know: has the bat left yet?? or are yall sharing bean dip?

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts

    I thought it was gone, I left the window open overnight. Didn't hear anything on friday, didn't hear a peep today either. Now all of a sudden, it popped back out of hiding.

    WTF, get out of my room you stupid bat. It's impossible trying to trap it w/ one person. I tried shooing it for another 10 mins but it was of no use. I give up.......

    I am now resorting to the open window w/ lights off tactic again. Hopefully it's smarter this time and decides to leave.


    try one of these
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