FUNKDEFY w/ Miss Shing-A-Ling 8/31 (columbus, OH)

Special Guest DJ!!!Miss Shing-A-Ling (NY) Thurs. AUG 31stFUNKDEFY! withMiss Shing-A-Ling (New York)Bringing a shit ton of 45s for trade or sale.Miss Shing-A-Ling August 31stFUNKDEFY! @ RAVARI ROOM2661 N. High St (Next to Hounddogs Pizza)Columbus, OH** No Cover**21+FUNKDEFY Delivers the best in Funk and Soul Music every Thursday Night @ RAVARI ROOM Hosted by the Latino Pimp and Mikey GW/ Ginsu, Numeric, and Funky D.FUNK & SOUL RECORDS ALL NIGHT. BLAXSPLOITATION & KUNG FU FLIX. GOOD PEOPLE. GOOD MUSIC. GOOD BEER. UNAVOIDABLE DANCING!!!
R.I.P. No doubt. This past week has been crazy.
Hope some strutters in the area can make it out this Thursday night.