Skinny-leg jeans

Terry_ClubbupTerry_Clubbup 833 Posts
edited August 2006 in Strut Central
Damn. What do y'all think about all these little dudes walkingaround in stretch denim. It's like, do you really want to advertiseto the world that you are an emaciated corn stalk, ears biggerthan your knees? Look like a boy who was left on a desert islandat age 11, then got washed up on the shore of Lake Michigan orthe Hudson River at age 21. Look like a sad Cabana Boy for abankrupt Lou Reed. As Nico sang on the first Velvet Undergroundalbum, "What a clon." (Cause everybody knows...)You look like an extra as the fag in a Pink Panther movie.Your elbows bend inward toward your body and your lil hands flay out.White dudes. Looking like Pippi Longstocking crying at the gynecologist.Put your apron back on, son, it'll aaaall be okay by the year 2009,when the jeans you are currently wearing are in the garbage dump.It is Lollapaloozar weekend, here in Chicago and I am ready to startcrackin backs with aluminum bats. I am wearing baggy jeans in protest.So damn hip hop repairman, right. The only way these skinny leg jeanboys will get redeem is if black dudes suddenly start wearing tightcreased Lees again, and then it will be on.But for now, the black dudes got their own version of capri pants.Definitely too long to be shorts, but not long enough to qualify as full pants. I call them : Phat Cabana.Damn, I am disappointed in you black dudes. You usually lead the phashion trends, but it looks like you're still stuck in the 90s.GET FAMILIAR WITH SOME REGULAR GOOD PANTS AND TALK TO A LADY.


  • Deep_SangDeep_Sang 1,081 Posts


    Girls like a guy in tight jeans. Get familiar.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Damn, I am disappointed in you black dudes. You usually lead the phashion trends, but it looks like you're still stuck in the 90s.

    But this skinny jeans shit iz just 80 retro. In 3 yrs that shit will be dead and the 90's retro will be starting up.

    No super baggy anymore. No skinny joints either. Medium pleez.

  • No super baggy anymore. No skinny joints either. Medium pleez.

    Are you talking some skraight leg boot-cut action? It's not a bad middle ground.

    And Terrence, I believe the blackmanpantaloons you're talmbout are known as Philly Shorts. Ask the board's newest moderator about them.

  • Girls like a guy in tight jeans. Get familiar.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    Black Marina Style for the '07.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I know the shit you mean. I don't like them skinny ankle joints on ladies or men. grody.

    527 boot cut levis boooyyyyeeeee.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    We have this trend around this winter: girls wearing skinny legs jeans and Chuck Taylors. I'm talking supermodel kind of girls trying to look like Joey Ramone. That's hot as fuck if you ask me

  • why are you so concerned with the way men dress?
    is it because they look different than you?

    peace in the northeast,


  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts

    But for now, the black dudes got their own version of capri pants.
    Definitely too long to be shorts, but not long enough to qualify as
    full pants. I call them : Phat Cabana.

    I see a lot of these young boys around here wearing them long ass shorts and always wonder why won't they just buy pants??

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    Damn, I am disappointed in you black dudes. You usually lead the phashion trends, but it looks like you're still stuck in the 90s.

    But this skinny jeans shit iz just 80 retro. In 3 yrs that shit will be dead and the 90's retro will be starting up.

    No super baggy anymore. No skinny joints either. Medium pleez.


    90s Retro is already here, or did yall not notice the Jordan VII's have returned???

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    Hold up...
    are those the jeans that are being discussed?

    I don't see dudes wearing that schitt around here.
    WTF would possess someone to wear pants like that?

  • Let's take it back to the days of wool suits, high collars
    and silk handkerchiefs. When every man - and Everyman - wore a hat.

    The frail and idle should not be allowed to walk the streets in
    their novelty pantaloons, it is bad for morale.

    This is the City That Works, and I am your job talking.


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Damn, I am disappointed in you black dudes. You usually lead the phashion trends, but it looks like you're still stuck in the 90s.

    But this skinny jeans shit iz just 80 retro. In 3 yrs that shit will be dead and the 90's retro will be starting up.

    No super baggy anymore. No skinny joints either. Medium pleez.
    90s Retro is already here, or did yall not notice the Jordan VII's have returned???

    Not in full thrust yet.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    WTF would possess someone to wear pants like that?

    being French???

    see: earlier 'Pink Panther' reference.


  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    Damn, I am disappointed in you black dudes. You usually lead the phashion trends, but it looks like you're still stuck in the 90s.

    But this skinny jeans shit iz just 80 retro. In 3 yrs that shit will be dead and the 90's retro will be starting up.

    No super baggy anymore. No skinny joints either. Medium pleez.
    90s Retro is already here, or did yall not notice the Jordan VII's have returned???

    Not in full thrust yet.
    Get on the trend now.
    I think I'm gonna cop these this week. Best colors:

    Now I can finally afford the shoes I could never afford as a kid.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    90s Retro is already here, or did yall not notice the Jordan VII's have returned???
    Not in full thrust yet. Get on the trend now.
    I think I'm gonna cop these this week. Best colors:

    Now I can finally afford the shoes I could never afford as a kid.
    You should rock them w/ some skinny jeans for that out of place white undercover cop in the hood look.

    I think those r the joints that Cassie wear in the me & u video.

  • You should rock them w/ some skinny jeans for that out of place white undercover cop in the hood look.

    Haaa! I just spit my hanson's out when I read that. Funny shit, straight Cops Season 2 style.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts

    You should rock them w/ some skinny jeans for that out of place white undercover cop in the hood look.

    Haaa! I just spit my hanson's out when I read that. Funny shit, straight Cops Season 2 style.

  • You should rock them w/ some skinny jeans for that out of place white undercover cop in the hood look.


    I believe that the one deej doesn't stay that far from Bridgeport
    in Chicago, where there is no such thing as an out of place undercover
    cop in the hood. Now you're on some serous 80s schitt, big puffy-ass
    shoes with spandex jeans, you could either be a Sox fan, in a hair
    metal band, or the computer network installation guys.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Damn, I am disappointed in you black dudes. You usually lead the phashion trends, but it looks like you're still stuck in the 90s.

    But this skinny jeans shit iz just 80 retro. In 3 yrs that shit will be dead and the 90's retro will be starting up.

    No super baggy anymore. No skinny joints either. Medium pleez.
    90s Retro is already here, or did yall not notice the Jordan VII's have returned???

    Not in full thrust yet.
    Get on the trend now.

    I think I'm gonna cop these this week. Best colors:

    Now I can finally afford the shoes I could never afford as a kid.

    These will no doubt be of tremendous use to you in your attempted conquest of mannish-azz long-legged non-rappin' Chicago females.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    These will no doubt be of tremendous use to you in your attempted conquest of mannish-azz long-legged non-rappin' Chicago females.

    how'd you know about that Oh you mean Shawnna.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    The skinny jeans thing never really died. Alot of Rock cats were still doin the tight black jeans since. I think the industry has just added water to a lingering fashion.

  • The skinny jeans thing never really died. Alot of Rock cats were still doin the tight black jeans since. I think the industry has just added water to a lingering fashion.

    You are right especially in Milwaukee.

    But I think if you added water to those skinny leg jeans, then
    they would magically expand into baggy blackmanpantaloons.

    The Honkies I see around me appear to be freeze-dried.


  • who's hating on the Rodman jersey?

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts
    Terrence, with this time of the season for loving begetting one mass-ass outdoor rub-and-tug after another, perhaps now is the time to sprankle the people with some science regarding the something-like-a-phenomeonon that is "weekend pants."

    What are they?

    Who can wear them?

    Under what circumstances?

    Are wearers eligible for any sartorial dispensations from the one Terry_JNCO?

    Does all of this have anything to do with the "banana cabana" that you're always inviting ladies to come visit? And where is that place anyway? Southside?

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts

    You should rock them w/ some skinny jeans for that out of place white undercover cop in the hood look.

    the whole stovepipe (yes, thats what skinny jeans are called gentlemen) and chequered van combo is in full effect with the hipster contingent in amsterdam, be sure to accessorise with a white belt, too-tight black tshirt and dyed black emo-hair to really get the party started.


  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    Meanwhile, in Canaryville, "skinny jeans" are called simply "jeans," preferably of the once-black variety.

  • Deep_SangDeep_Sang 1,081 Posts

    Girls like a guy in tight jeans. Get familiar.

    haha, did you google search "men in tight jeans" to get those pics?
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