CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
edited August 2006 in Strut Central
Tell me it ain't so.


  • wooshiewooshie 490 Posts
    I'm afraid it might be, It's been a long time coming.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Fuck, man.

  • troublemantroubleman 1,928 Posts
    I think it's real. Just went to the website. This sucks. R.I.P. I'm so glad I got to see him perform a couple years ago.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    I'm so glad I got to see him perform a couple years ago.

    Me too.
    Dude got a lot of rough breaks throughout his life -
    I'm just glad he can be at peace finally, but it's very sad to
    know he is gone.
    One of a kind and an amazing artist. R.I.P.

  • wooshiewooshie 490 Posts
    As well as being a brilliant musician and song writer, He beat the fuck out of Jim Morrison more than once.

    For this I give him 100000 props.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    RIP to a man whose music has enriched my life since I was a child.

    What an absolute shit start to the weekend.

  • Damn, that's awful.
    An amazing musician.
    It would have been great to see him in one of the recent-ish tours.


  • ZomBZomB 397 Posts
    RIP I loved love.

  • RIP Arthur, a true genius.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

    At my house Ive got no shackles
    You can come and look if you want to
    In the halls youll see the mantles
    Where the light shines dim all around you
    And the streets are paved with gold and if
    Someone asks you, you can call my name

    You are just a thought that someone
    Somewhere somehow feels you should be here
    And its so for real to touch
    To smell, to feel, to know where you are here
    And the streets are paved with gold and if
    Someone asks you, you can call my name
    You can call my name
    I hear you calling my name...yeah
    all right now

    By the time that Im through singing
    The bells from the schools of walls will be ringing
    More confusions, blood transfusions
    The news today will be the movies for tomorrow
    And the waters turned to blood, and if
    You dont think so
    Go turn on your tub
    And it its mixed with mud
    Youll see it turn to gray
    And you can call my name
    I hear you call my name

  • oh no......

    DAMN. RIP to one of the greatest.

  • I can't even describe how much this dude's music means to me. I got up on Love late, at a point where I thought I heard all of the truly great rock music the world had to offer. I was wrong. Glad I got to see him play, he shined like a star man. R.I.P.

  • This is the time and life that I am living
    And I'll face each day with a smile
    For the time that I've been given's such a little while
    And the things that I must do consist of more than style
    There are places that I am going

    This is the only thing that I am sure of
    And that's all that lives is gonna die
    And there'll always be some people here to wonder why
    And for every happy hello, there will be good-bye
    There'll be time for you to put yourself on

    Everything I've seen needs rearranging
    And for anyone who thinks it's strange
    Then you should be the first to want to make this change
    And for everyone who thinks that life is just a game
    Do you like the part you're playing

    I see your picture
    It's in the same old frame
    We meet again
    You look so lovely
    You with the same old smile
    Stay for a while
    I need you so, oh, oh, oh, oh
    And if you take it easy
    I'm still teethin'
    I wanna love you, but
    Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

    This is the time and life that I am living
    And I'll face each day with a smile
    For the time that I've been given's such a little while
    And the things that I must do consist of more than style
    There'll be time for you to start all over

    This is the time and this is the time and
    It is time, time, time, time, time, time, time, time, time...

  • Sad news. Saw him in Glasgow in 2002, about 200 people there. Best gig I've ever been at. "Everybody's gotta live and everybody's gonna die, I think you know the reason why".

  • DJFerrariDJFerrari 2,411 Posts
    Sad, sad news on this Friday morning. RIP to one of the greatest.

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts

  • dang. Mr. Lee was born here and died here, and not one mention in the local paper(Commercial Appeal)...ridiculous.

    RIP Mr. Lee...I'll never forget hearing Love for the first was one of those, "why the hell did it take me this long to hear of this??!?!" fucking amazing music

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts

    RIP Mr. Lee...I'll never forget hearing Love for the first was one of those, "why the hell did it take me this long to hear of this??!?!" fucking amazing music too. i felt like i cheated myself by getting into Love so late.


  • sad. love and the zombies together live still goes down as my favorite show ever.

  • dCastillodCastillo 1,963 Posts

  • phono13phono13 842 Posts
    sad. love and the zombies together live still goes down as my favorite show ever.

    I heard the same from a friend. Have been upset ever since. RIP

    I read this a while ago and really enjoyed it. Written by Love's drummer (former Sons of Adam drummer):

  • woah, I had no idea there was a book out. I'll have to stop and cop that.

  • phono13phono13 842 Posts
    woah, I had no idea there was a book out. I'll have to stop and cop that.

    Yup, Amazon has it for around 13 bucks. There's an amusing section about Jim Morrison being over at their pool. Supposedly, he was tripping and walking around nude. Arthur, as mentioned before, wasn't the biggest of Jim's fans, and was irate. Didn't realize they ever came to blows.

  • Fuck, man.

  • wooshiewooshie 490 Posts
    Arthur Lee was pretty much responsible for getting the doors signed and got them a second audition when they fucked the first one up. Jim was such a loser, fucking about and Arthur would get all shitty and beat him up a little.


    To anyone who said Love was soft, Arthur Lee would fuck you up, pull a heater out and blast back! Pow!
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