Star Wars Holiday Special (youtube)

who has seen this? Leia, seemingly on sleeping pills, singing lyrics to the star wars theme on Life Day

imperial officers at chewie's family's house

imperial officers at chewie's family's house
When I brought it home to watch I called a good friend of mine (And major star wars fan) Diego to come over and check it out. Well, there's a part in here with a clown and Diego has a major fear of them. He got all freaked out and asked me to fast forward through that part. It was pretty funny to see dude get all freaked.
Fast forward about ten years. I went back to suspect to rent something and dude looks at me and asks. Did you ever end up bringing back the x-mas special???
Anyways... This thing was super cheese and if I remember correctly. George tried suing anyone who tried to broadcast this.
The ill thing is that Star Wars fans are so dedicated to SW continuity and the SW universe that the holiday special can't completely go away. It introduced some characters and alien races that hadn't been seen before, and believe me, once a character is introduced in SW in any capacity--even just for a second in the background of a scene--the fans are all over it.
Holy living fuck!!
there's not too many things out there with that crew in character
besides the 3 films..., um, what's up with Leia all-but dry humping Chewbacca??
I've read that Lucas had to tape down Carrie Fishers bosom in the films. It appears he didn't do that in this Christmas special.
the things that really did it for me...
- mark hammill's beautiful eye makeup
- chewbacca's family = wookiee reproduction = whoa
- that cooking show segment. it goes on for like 10 minutes and goes NOWHERE. like a fourth tier version of swedish chef
- the unkle sample in the cartoon
- all those tv ads the original bootlegger left on the tape
- the girl who played chewbacca's son went to on play many other roles necessitating a little person, including one of the voices on the smurfs. ill.
- why is chewbacca's family cleaning and cooking and reminiscing instead of hunting elephants, knocking down trees, and ripping arms out of sockets?
First Appearence on the XMAS Special.
I remember when this came on TV. Jefferson Starship.......
definitely. and not only that but it seems they spent $5 to make it
what about the incredibly awkward part where chewbacca's dad is being turned on by diane carrol singing all sexy to him in some kind of virtual reality s(t)imulator?
so does this have the scrolling text at the start? if it does i bet it's hilarious.
I believe you are correct.
I watched this on TV when it came out....yes, I am almost 40.
she sings at the cantina. it's pretty terrible.
She did have a drug problem, but at this time I would say coke and ludes.
is there a complete one on there though?