Phillip And Lloyd: You've Got To Keep On Moving?

roistoroisto 881 Posts
edited August 2006 in Strut Central
The one Konduko, is it any good? Not much came up on Google.


  • The one Konduko, is it any good? Not much came up on Google.

    I've wondered about this one for a while too. I kind of like their blues busters LP. I know "You've Got to Keep On Movin'" is rare as hell but beyond that I got no info on it

  • roistoroisto 881 Posts
    Prize czech?

  • Not played it for ages but i picked it up for the title track "Keep On Moving", I remember the Deep Roots Rockers were the musicians, Did they play on many TK records? Used to see it around but not seen a copy for sometime, So no idea of price.

  • roistoroisto 881 Posts
    Yeah, Deep Roots Rockers are the backing band, Betty Wright does backing vocals.

  • Options
    It's alright, but nothing like Phillip's Cinci release of "Keep on Lovin'"

    These guys rarely put a wrong foot forward and, IMO, many of their JA 60's releases are necessities.

    K in Canada.

    P.S. Sporty is married to Wright...and his original band was the Oceanliners.

  • roistoroisto 881 Posts
    Thanks for the info, K. Any idea what's the going rate for the LP?

  • Options
    No idea. I've passed it up for $40 from a couple dealers, but that could have been a mistake. I much prefer both Sporty's and BB's earlier stuff (save for "keep on Loving").


  • roistoroisto 881 Posts
    thanks man.
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