Vacation Strut...
199 Posts
So I'm going to VA Beach next week and am wondering if anyone who lives around that area or has been before can hip me to some cool places to:buy clotheseatrecords (duh)and just plain cool things to check out while I'm there. also, any shows going on between Aug. 10-13?
Cheap souvenirs, mini golf, coed naked beach gear. I went last summer with my fiance and we wished someone had warned us how much it sucks. We made the best of it and had fun, but we would never go back. There is one good restaurant called Zoe's. They have intesting and rally well made stuff. Not your usual fried fish bullshit. Good luck.
VA beach sucks for records. I spent a day driving around, hit 8 thrifts and struck out. There are a few decent record shops if you want to drive around all day. Broadway Ernie's in Portsmouth and American Oldies in Newport News to name a couple. Other than that, just chill.