Record spots to hit while astral projecting?
8,729 Posts
I will be doing some astral travelling in the coming weeks and was wondering what essential spots I should hit while out of my body. I am mostly looking for double private lover folk, dutch jazz, outsider boogie, and real people music concrete these days. Any info is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
One store, known for its yeastaloins and yrlaquscks, was recently condemned for, to put it bluntly, oints and ufing. You may see owner Chester Retsehc III wiping his doo doo singles on the Loween Clohf.
(SECRET: If you go past Highway Eggles, take the 638134.1 exit, twitch your nimnumbs, and ask for Parfluuuuc. He has a lot of foreign RAERS and mollusks.)
That, or your most upfront close environment. If you get too far out, the smog-filled lps will surely kill you, dude.
"farewell aldebaran"
sch*tting blud?