Not exactly, but read this:http://58250.rapidforum.com/topic=102474831829edit: You have to be registered! Damn! But they are talking about the sample Premier used for Nas Is Like.
It is properbly THE most wanted DJ Premier sample ever. If it's ever found it's bigger than finding the holy grail or sum shit.
I dont think that he will be sued.. The break is so fucking rare that the artist properbly doesnt even know that he has made that song..Of course some cats know what was sampled for nas is like, but i dont think that the hold it a secret for copyrigt issues.. I mean.. a pirate dont tell where hes treassure is burried, know what i'm saying?
Heard some shit about a pink 7".. but hey.. thousands of rumors is out on this shit

Here is the story he told. He got a friend who got some records from his grandma or aunt. He thought about to throw them away but Prem said no, give it to me. Than those records stood around for a long time. One day he thought of listening to it and did it, there was this unlabled 10" record and on that record was this sample.
So if this isnt a made up story it is the truth. But to be honest, I believe him. Other sources near to Prem told me that the original record was a gospel one.
So look for a unlabled 10" gospel record and you got "Nas is Like"
its how he flipped it that makes it worth a damn...
properbly not.
A statement not readily disputed...
exactly what iu was thinking....
i liked this too i will have to try and use this some day:
dope! did it have the bird chirping sounds? thats the hot part.
it does'nt matter what sample it is.. its all about chopping when it comes to primo beats like this.
Good Idea! Styles man... you are our only connection... but you sleeping!
I'm just playing...
Step up your search & spell games, son.