Chicago: Layin' Slabs Aug. 12th
874 Posts
MeatyDCastilloComa Toastlaying down soulful slabs Saturday, August 12th @ Bar Vertigo. $5 suggested donation.
just added to the soulstrut all-star roster: luck
I will also be wearing a limited-edition tee that will soon become Chicago Mafia legend. Say you were there and MEAN it.
I'm seeing this too, plus my boy A45 is in town! too bad cuz vetrigo is like 100 yards from my front door.
After a bit of confusion regarding the setup (the needles and mixer adapter had been ganked from the previous gig), things went smoothly. We even had our own DJ Rug to stand on. Luxurious shit.
Bar Vertigo is not a dancing club. This is a little frustrating, especially when you, Castillo. Meaty, and Coma Toast are dropping gems and area notables like Chris J., R*b*rt Zilla, and Sheer Majick Shawn - now in walking condition - were in attendance (albeit non-dancers, all). All audible ooohs came from the pool table section. But I think I did pretty well. Didn't play a bunch of "must plays," got stole on for Don't Give It Away and STILL felt good about the night.
True occurances:
-Club-goer offered me money on the spot for a song I'd just played. The offer was refused. The song: "Superpeople." The offer: $5. Said club-goer also insisted to me that Mayfield produced the song (3 producers are listed on the label, Mayfield not among them). Disappointed club-goer left the premises soon thereafter.
-During the shotgun DJ section, countered "Just Sittin'" with the Swan Silvertones. Somehow, held my own.
-Some song I was playing (Good Enough For Daddy? Butter Your Popcorn?) encouraged a lass to grind on her friend for a man. This is not, as we all know, uncommon in clubs, but since this was the closest that anyone came to dancing the entire night, it was a tad cathartic for a first-time DJ.