putting tracks on long MP3 files

I record my live sets directly from the mixer/soundboard using my iRiver player. The sound quality is fine, but I'd like to be able to put tracks throughout the file instead of having one long 250 minute track.Yeah, I'm that far behind. Suggestions for free software to do simple edits of sounds files would be great. Thank you.peace
I'm assuming you're saving them as WAV files first, or at least something before you convert to MP3? If so, use http://www.cdwave.com . You are able to put up a full file, and edit the index points you want at the specific spots you want, so that it will be at the exact sectors.
For archiving purposes, I would never record directly as an MP3, you lose a lot there. I make MP3's but I've never had to edit MP3's, other than converting to a WAV file and deleting dead space for some stuff.
That's good to know. But, all digital sucks IMO. So i'm going for less space. Wouldn't say I'm archiving these mixes. Just more or less driving around listening to my mixes. Often cringing at blends that sounded sooo smooth last Saturday night etc.[read: while drunk].
I've used Audacity