Trap Door vinyl source?

I haven't bothered to re-read the Trap Door threads but I got to talking with some dude at Amoeba's in SF about it. He was wearing a West is the Best t-shirt and knew the cats involved with the making of it. He seemed to imply that a lot of the vinyl used for the Trap Door mix came from the same basement source that Shadow used for Endtroducing. I'm not sure if he was speaking of the OG mix or the newest one however. Told me a story of someone knocking over a pile of records and some $1600 joint sliding out from the mix. Just thought I'd share this tidbit.
could very well be the case, here's a quote from NateDiggles:
I remember Josh talking about the bats, do you smell gas? it smell's like gasssss
On a side note.When I was down there with them,I found a petrified dead bat and within 3 feet was a copy of a 60's Life Magazine with Batman on the cover.I put the bat on top of the mag and shot a picture.I'll try to find it.
rats, roaches, lizards, and once a snake.
but bats i've never done.
that's a funny story chris.
you gotta respect the omen.
but i bet you kept digging anywyay (as i would've...)
that was wild when they were going through the lp's there, so many 100 count boxes piled up! I found one of my favorite rare funk 45's ever that day (Sean kinda cringed when I brought that over to purchase
it def. smelled like gas down there, but remember some dudes were SMOKING! I was a lil uneasy about that...haha
Anybody got a copy of "Damon" they want to sell?
this from Sean:
In a semi-related incindent, last night i set up an old stereo that had been in storage at my parents place. The idea was to give me some reference other than my monitors, and giant old german wooden speakers seemed pretty polar opposites.
First one went up fine, wired, checked up and running. Second one seemed to be making a strange squeaking sound when i turned it on. So I turned it off but the squeaking continued. One by one watched 3 big mice and 8 little ones squeeze out a hole they had chewed in the corner.
So now when you have company and lil doods (mice) are running around.
you can explain.!
Foreal though. That sucks.. that would of freaked me out.The Bats too