5 Worst Hangovers

kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
edited July 2006 in Strut Central
5. 3/05- after getting drunker than I thought. Ended up crying watching Ken Burns Baseball.4. 9/11/06- After my friend Molly's wedding. Felt like I was going to pass out on the 3 hour drive home. At least I didn't do karaoke.3. 7/17/06- This morning, after last night's ballgame/bachelor party. Jesus christ was I a mess this morning.2. 7/01- After puking off a balcony in Saratoga Springs, NY. Sat in a car, listened to Guided By Voices singing "Teenage FBI"; my friend ashley took pictures of that one. oof.1. 05/04- Passed out on the loveseat; pissed on the loveseat. Really impressed the lady with that move. Went to my freelance gig, but didn't charge them for any of the "work" I did that day.


  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    7/17/06- This morning, after magic jackson's girlfriends party. Jesus christ was I a mess this morning. I drank a few pitchers of cheap beer and didn't eat dinner last night. And I think I have an ear infection, this shit is brutal. His girlfriend threw up 3 times, once in the middle of there white rug. He was doing christmas songs on the karaoke tip, substituting "fuck you's" instead of "christmas". Craziness...

  • Any hangover that lasts TWO days isn't exactly fun..

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,633 Posts
    I don't get hangovers much but my number 1 hangover was after seeing Dj Ferrari perform at some house party. I highly suspect that I made an ass out of myself. I couldn't keep anything down the next day.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    threw up in the walker sculpture garden in minneapolis last summer. in front of a child.

    that was my crown jewel.

  • wooshiewooshie 490 Posts
    I threw up a total of 26 times in one day, I could not keep anything down.

    I was throwing up my own stomach lining and too weak to move.

    worst thing is I don't even remember drinking that much, I think it was just mixing and not eating enough food that day.

  • The Raise UpThe Raise Up Golden Years... wah wah wah 452 Posts
    Dunno about a full top 5, but I felt real fucked up all day after being waken up in one of these:

    Don't really remember how I ended up there.

    I spent the first day of the new Millenium throwing up all day, also one of my worst hangovers

  • theory9theory9 1,128 Posts
    8/04--finished half a bottle of Remy and some jagerbombs--decided to fall asleep in the street.

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts
    My last night in Cincinnati, went out drinking with some friends and after countless shots of Jager and after puking all over the bar (outside mostly, I think), I was driven home. Woke up the next morning about an hour after I was supposed to be at work, couldn't find my car keys, when I found them I couldn't find my car. Somehow drove to work (really shouldn't have), and I had to keep running outside to puke every 10 minutes or so. They made me a cake for my last day but I couldn't go within 10 feet of it. I wound up leaving after being there an hour. Great last impression!

  • upchucking at work is

    been there done it plenty

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    7/17/06- This morning, after magic jackson's girlfriends party. Jesus christ was I a mess this morning. I drank a few pitchers of cheap beer and didn't eat dinner last night. And I think I have an ear infection, this shit is brutal. His girlfriend threw up 3 times, once in the middle of there white rug. He was doing christmas songs on the karaoke tip, substituting "fuck you's" instead of "christmas". Craziness...

    More to follow on October 28th...

    Here's top 5 (or the ones that I can remember )

    -This past Saturday. I made the crucial mistake of not only mixing ale w/ beer but mixing those w/ whiskey. After I drunk that shot, I puked out my guts. The next day I had mudbutt.

    -April. After drinking 4 or 5 pitchers of beer w/ Morroco_mole and Magic_jackson on a night out bowling, I paid the price the next day. I had to hop on a plane and fly from SeaTac all the back to ATL. I lost count of how many times I had to go the bathroom.

    -July 2002. My brother was djing at this house party in some projects out in A.C. I was home on leave and I went to the party with him. Shit, I even did a little djing myself
    I decided to leave the tables alone and get my drink on. A six pack of Budweiser and a few shots of Christian Bros. later, I'm worshipping the porcelain god.
    I won't even go into details of how I almost got my ass shot in that party.

    -July 2001. I drank a 5th of Hennessey by myself and topped it off by eating pieces of a White Owl (the cigar folls, not an actual bird). I think I was drunk for 2 full days afterwards.

    -August 2000. I played "threeman" for the first time in my life. All that I can remember was how I was "low crawling" through the guy's apartment.

  • 1. The absolute worst was in NYC. My band was on tour. We had just a day off and I decided to hang out with some Memphis folks. I tracked down a couple friends of mine (one of them was Mike, the guy who just opened that new record store in Williamsburg, Passout..but I digress) anywho they took me to this one bar called The mars bar, then things are a little fuzzy, we went to this other bar and stayed there til 5AM or some shit and we stumbled back to someone's apartment and I passed out on a futon with this girl Glynnis in the kitchen. I awoke a few hours later remembering we had a show in Detroit that night and I needed to get back to where we were staying, which was in Queens. I had NO idea where I was in NYC...all I knew was I had to get to a subway. It was summer, it was humid and I was drunk at 8AM but on the verge of sobering and I felt like holy hell. I started following folks in suits figuring they might lead me to a subway. They did. So I figure out what trains i need to take and then the hangover hit me like a ton of bricks. The stuffiness of the subway and the stop/start herky jerkiness of the train made things way worse. about 20 minutes into my journey I start hurling. The train is full of folks in business atire going to work and I am this sweaty scumbag throwing up all over the place. I felt like all hell. I took a guess where to get off the train and found my way back to where we were staying. I took a shower, had a beer and smoked a few grams of some dank and felt better. We then took off for Detroit.
    Worst hangover EVER
    2. my roomate and I were moving to a new place but the night before we went to a friands bachelor party. the party was at this totally nude strip club. In Arlington, Texas, if your strip club is totally nude, you cant serve alcohol. (I find this to be very weird). They only serve set-ups. So we bring in a ridiculous amount of whiskey. We dont remember the trip home and we wake up having to go get a U-haul truck and load it, then unload it in 110 degree heat. I had the worst hangover headache ever and I had to load furniture and shit in the goddawful Texas heat. What a great idea it was to go get shitfaced the night before a move.
    3-5. Not worth mentioning compared to those top 2.
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