Yo man, when you got like say 27 tracks and you want that shit to go in order, on iTunes, how do you do it? I put the numbers in the tracks field... what gives?Hook it up. Arsenio Hall gum having punk.
if you want all future new playlists to have track number as a view option. Select your library in itunes and repeat this process.
Instead of fixing id3 tags by yourself, you can use an applescript. It'll pull down the correct track names/artist info/year/track #'s through gracenote's database. Check here...
In your itunes window, you have a number of info columns with their names at the top of every column - track name, album, bitrate and so on. What columns you see depends on how you have set your view options (edit -> view options).
If you click on one of the column name fields at the top, the tracks in the window will be arranged according to that parameter. If you click the "name" field for example, the tracks in the window will be arranged lexicographically, front to back or back to front, depending on how many times you click.
If you click the "Track Number", "Artist" or "Album" field and you have properly tagged the mp3s with track numbers and album names (and you have these columns selected in your view options) they will be arranged according to track number for that particular album.
This way of sorting information in a window is general for all OS X software. It's the same way you sort mails in your inbox according to date recieved or subject in Mail for example.
click on the menu bar on the top left.
I see no "menu" that you speak of.
check "track number'
if you want all future new playlists to have track number as a view option. Select your library in itunes and repeat this process.
Instead of fixing id3 tags by yourself, you can use an applescript. It'll pull down the correct track names/artist info/year/track #'s through gracenote's database. Check here...
If you click on one of the column name fields at the top, the tracks in the window will be arranged according to that parameter. If you click the "name" field for example, the tracks in the window will be arranged lexicographically, front to back or back to front, depending on how many times you click.
If you click the "Track Number", "Artist" or "Album" field and you have properly tagged the mp3s with track numbers and album names (and you have these columns selected in your view options) they will be arranged according to track number for that particular album.
This way of sorting information in a window is general for all OS X software. It's the same way you sort mails in your inbox according to date recieved or subject in Mail for example.