People wanting to know what race you are?



  • jjfad027jjfad027 1,594 Posts
    my friend gets asked a lot. He just says he's Khakis

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    this used to bug the phuck out of me when i was younger, but now i understand its just curiousity. i'm goan, but mostly mistaken for guyanese, we both look the same, its all good.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I think it's ok to ask if it comes up in conversation or there's a need to know or something. But just some "Hi, nice to meet you. My, don't you look interesting. What ethnicity are you?" is

    that's it exactly.

    it's natural to want to know about people, but when it comes up in the first five minutes, it makes me think there's too much importance put on it by the asker.

    the worst is "say something in _________!"

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,633 Posts
    People know I'm German based on my last name and then proceed to make Nazi comments. Doesn' happen much but these people get the ice grill when they do say it.

  • here you go kingymost:



    Last night this dude I only kind of know (like I don't even know his last name, have never spoken with him on the phone, have never spoken with him for more than 3 minutes, etc) who was reeeeal drunk and introduced me to someone as his really good friend Michael. He continued the introduction by suggesting that I was Irish even though I'm Jewish and definitely look the part.


  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts
    My family never told me where we're coming from. I don't know what race I am.

  • theory9theory9 1,128 Posts
    Them: "Where are you from?"
    Me: "Same place as you--my dad's penis."

  • vajdaijvajdaij 447 Posts
    2000 census form, I wrote in 'Martian' in the race slot. I earned a call from the Census Bureau that ended with me telling the dude to write in whatever he wanted. American mutt, born and raised

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    When I get it I am taken aback. But it does not offend me.
    I am proud of my heritage. I think people are more looking for common
    ground than trying to put you in a box. Accept those people who say
    "you don't act _____".

    Accept or Except?

    Except. Thank you. I thought spell check would make me a better writer.

  • CahootsCahoots 378 Posts

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    One of the strangest moments of my life was a few months ago when, at the dinner table in Atlanta, DJ Premier turned to me out of the blue and asked me "Hey man, are you black?"

  • theory9theory9 1,128 Posts
    One of the strangest moments of my life was a few months ago when, at the dinner table in Atlanta, DJ Premier turned to me out of the blue and asked me "Hey man, are you black?"

    What'd you say???

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    One of the strangest moments of my life was a few months ago when, at the dinner table in Atlanta, DJ Premier turned to me out of the blue and asked me "Hey man, are you black?"

    What'd you say???

    I told him my racial makeup (my mother is half black and half irish, father was eastern european jewish and french canadian.) He then gave me a look and said "I knew you were black. I looked at your FEATURES."

  • theory9theory9 1,128 Posts
    One of the strangest moments of my life was a few months ago when, at the dinner table in Atlanta, DJ Premier turned to me out of the blue and asked me "Hey man, are you black?"

    What'd you say???

    I told him my racial makeup (my mother is half black and half irish, father was eastern european jewish and french canadian.) He then gave me a look and said "I knew you were black. I looked at your FEATURES."

    My mom is Norweigian and my dad is black, and I remember a teacher at my elementary school asking if I was adopted.

    Most people suck no matter what color they are...

  • One of the strangest moments of my life was a few months ago when, at the dinner table in Atlanta, DJ Premier turned to me out of the blue and asked me "Hey man, are you black?"

    What'd you say???

    I told him my racial makeup (my mother is half black and half irish, father was eastern european jewish and french canadian.) He then gave me a look and said "I knew you were black. I looked at your FEATURES."[/b]


  • One of the strangest moments of my life was a few months ago when, at the dinner table in Atlanta, DJ Premier turned to me out of the blue and asked me "Hey man, are you black?"

    What'd you say???

    I told him my racial makeup (my mother is half black and half irish, father was eastern european jewish and french canadian.) He then gave me a look and said "I knew you were black. I looked at your FEATURES."

    You should've answered his question with this question:

    Can you a motherfucker?

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    One of the strangest moments of my life was a few months ago when, at the dinner table in Atlanta, DJ Premier turned to me out of the blue and asked me "Hey man, are you black?"

    What'd you say???

    I told him my racial makeup (my mother is half black and half irish, father was eastern european jewish and french canadian.) He then gave me a look and said "I knew you were black. I looked at your FEATURES."[/b]


    i actually think that's what premier meant

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    One of the strangest moments of my life was a few months ago when, at the dinner table in Atlanta, DJ Premier turned to me out of the blue and asked me "Hey man, are you black?"

    What'd you say???

    I told him my racial makeup (my mother is half black and half irish, father was eastern european jewish and french canadian.) He then gave me a look and said "I knew you were black. I looked at your FEATURES."

    My mom is Norweigian and my dad is black, and I remember a teacher at my elementary school asking if I was adopted.

    Most people suck no matter what color they are...

    Yeah my mom was adopted and she told me that she AND my grandparents used to get the hardest time with shit like that back in teh day. Like not getting served in Texas and people always looking at them sideways and shit.

    But yeah, people suck no matter what the color. Fuck it.

    But yeah man, isn't that like a weird fucking thing?

    Man I'm stuck at LAX.

  • what do you guys think of the "Is so and so Italian? no, he's JEWISH"

    Judaism is a religion so it's a tough call on that as an answer.

    To my Jewish strutters. What do you answer. Do you answer I'm Jewish or do you say where you're family is technically from?

    Can of worms???????

  • Irish, Scottish, Swedish....blonde, blue eyed and deeply afraid of the sun...

    Same here... little english in the mix, but they are irish/welsh refugee's

    Im only second gen Australian, which is odd for a white guy here. So when people pull the "convict stock" shit on me i can refute it.

    I'm totally guilty of asking this question. But its normally a "i've been talking to you at this party for 15 minutes, i want to know your cultural background to see how we relate" steez

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    To my Jewish strutters. What do you answer. Do you answer I'm Jewish or do you say where you're family is technically from?

    Can of worms???????

    thin line, but those of eastern european/ middle eastern decent could say they are semetic.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    everyone thinks im pure japanese but in reality im japanese, english, irish, and scottish!

    when i was little i used to say "japanese, english, irish, and skirish" and my parents would never correct me. fucking assholes

  • To my Jewish strutters. What do you answer. Do you answer I'm Jewish or do you say where you're family is technically from?

    Can of worms[/b] ???????

  • meatyogremeatyogre 2,080 Posts
    Norweigan, Welsh, Swedish, Irish here. My grandma was an orphan from Ireland adopted by a man in Chicago... other sides grandpa was first generation Swedish.... and his parents wouldn't let them speak Swedish in the house! Other grandpa's family has been in the states for a long time, and a long down the line uncle from NJ signed the Constitution.


    To my Jewish strutters. What do you answer. Do you answer I'm Jewish or do you say where you're family is technically from?

    Can of worms[/b] ???????

  • coselmedcoselmed 1,114 Posts

    In my experience (as an observer rather than the recipient of the question) it's usually somewhat less brazen

    Wait, don't you get mistaken for a Jew all of the time (because of your last name and stiff demeanor)? Especially around the holidays.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    what do you guys think of the "Is so and so Italian? no, he's JEWISH"

    Judaism is a religion so it's a tough call on that as an answer.

    To my Jewish strutters. What do you answer. Do you answer I'm Jewish or do you say where you're family is technically from?

    Can of worms???????

    Jewish is an ethnicity. Judism is a religion. Unlike the other 2 major monotheistic religions Jews do not convert other people. We are the chosen people and you all can pray to any idol you want, we don't care. From about 3000 BCE until the destruction of the 2nd Temple (first century CE?) Jews lived in the Middle East. We were always a separate people. With the destruction of the Temple the great diaspora began. Over the century Jews fanned out across the globe. Where ever we went, whether we practiced our religion or not we were Jewish.

    My grandparents emigrated from Poland and Russia but there were never Polish or Russian. In the 19th century it was near impossible for a Jew to integrate into European culture.

    In the 20th century many Jews started to integrate into European culture. Many like my mothers father did not consider themselves Jewish at all. Hitler did consider them Jewish.

    In this country we are all something. There is an obsession among some people today with exotic appearance. The fashion is to appear half something. I think a lot of people get annoyed because they get asked the question by people who are on an exotic fetish.

    I still say embrace your culture and take any opportunity to educate people about what it means to you.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    what do you guys think of the "Is so and so Italian? no, he's JEWISH"

    Judaism is a religion so it's a tough call on that as an answer.

    To my Jewish strutters. What do you answer. Do you answer I'm Jewish or do you say where you're family is technically from?

    Can of worms???????

    Jewish is an ethnicity. Judism is a religion. Unlike the other 2 major monotheistic religions Jews do not convert other people. We are the chosen people and you all can pray to any idol you want, we don't care. From about 3000 BCE until the destruction of the 2nd Temple (first century CE?) Jews lived in the Middle East. We were always a separate people. With the destruction of the Temple the great diaspora began. Over the century Jews fanned out across the globe. Where ever we went, whether we practiced our religion or not we were Jewish.

    My grandparents emigrated from Poland and Russia but there were never Polish or Russian. In the 19th century it was near impossible for a Jew to integrate into European culture.

    In the 20th century many Jews started to integrate into European culture. Many like my mothers father did not consider themselves Jewish at all. Hitler did consider them Jewish.

    In this country we are all something. There is an obsession among some people today with exotic appearance. The fashion is to appear half something. I think a lot of people get annoyed because they get asked the question by people who are on an exotic fetish.

    I still say embrace your culture and take any opportunity to educate people about what it means to you.

    excellent answer

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    The classic unmentioned shit in this thread is how in discussions re: 'what race?' how (us) white folks tend to talk about our ethnicity.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    African Americans were robbed of their ethnicity by white slave traders and slave holders, there's no witty banter to be said. Go watch Roots or read Alex Haley's book, the most quiet and concentrated group of people he has been quoted to ever have seen is people looking up their geneaology.
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