"The Wire" update (NRR)



  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,913 Posts
    Gotta disagree respectfully my man - I tried watching Homicide and while I thought it was pretty cool for a police procedural, in the end, it just didn't sustain my interest in the way "The Wire" does.

    We'll have to agree to disagree on that point - I find the characters & situations in HOMICIDE a lot more interesting and less Hollywood than THE WIRE. But no harm, no foul - I think THE WIRE is great too.

    That said, "Homicide" was written by the same folks who wrote "The Corner." I haven't read the former though but I plan to track that sucker down since I enjoyed "The Corner" so much.

    Yeah check it out - I didn't read THE CORNER, but HOMICIDE was a good book as I recall. It's been about 10 years since I read it though.

    either way David Simon = the truth.

    The Corner is dope. Haven't read the book, but caught the mini series recently. Besides it being one of the most moving pieces of television I have ever seen, the acting (and directing) was also some of the finest. Also I'm a sucker for documentary style videography.

    If you think the Wire was 'hollywood' please to check out the Corner. The Wire was one of the best televisions scripts in recent history in my opinion. It seems people have discredited it (not fingering anyone on SS), simply because it was written for a television series, and works so well in 1 hour slots.

    Having first read the book, I had some reservations about the miniseries version of The Corner, but you're right that it is really well done.

    It's also kind of like watching The Wire (the Remix), since Burns and Simon first met a lot of the local actors that they used in The Wire while filming The Corner, and the two shows have at least a dozen cast members in common.

    There's a further Homicide connection with The Wire, in that Clark Johnson (Homicide's Meldrick Lewis) directed three episodes in the first season.

  • goatboygoatboy 371 Posts
    Read this:

    It'll give you some crazy insight into The Wire and Baltimore and the drug trade there.

    This series was crazy good (and depressing) to watch!

    Haven't read the book yet but maybe I'll check it out now.
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