Photoshop CS - Hot or Not?

I have been happily using Photoshop 7 for quite some time, but I keep getting told from various people that I should change to Photoshop CS. Is there that much of a difference? Am I REALLY behind the times? If I do decide I want it..can I just find a CS bootleg/crack update file on the net somewhere and just install that, or do I have to install the whole new program? Any strutters got the hook up?

hmm, not familiar with what that is...
google search time.
it's basically what Adobe Streamline used to do incorporated right into Illustrator. became an over-used gimmick in graphic design once it became a feature in illustrator.
there are a lot of small new features in the newer CS suites, but i think the last big feature that was added that required a necessary upgrade was the 'history' pallete in Photoshop 5.5..
While we are on the any of yall use drawing tablets with your setup? I have never used one, but it seems they would be useful. Does it actually draw in real time with no delay? Can you actually open photoshop, select a brush, and draw freehand on the canvas using the pen/tablet? Any recommendations on what brands or models to use?
I have a Wacom intuos 3 and find it great plus wonderfully designed. I decided myself to purchase one a few time ago in order to save time (money). Using it is quite easy but your drawing gets definitely different than when it was on paper: YOU CAN'T DRAW PRECISELY WHILE LOOKING AT YOUR ENTIRE COMPOSITION WICH IS QUITE UNCONFORTABLE WHEN YOU WANT TO CREATE YOUR PICTURE DIRECTLY WITH YOUR TABLET... To my opinion, a sketch is always necessary in order to compose a picture correctly. Using the tablet is perfect for execution and details.