Sounds ok b4 you do the math. Lets do some; ok right of the bat $13,861 a year is absolute shit. So how is it that someone making $8.23 an hour only makes $13,861 a year? Easy, they are never allowed to work over 32 hrs a week. That means NO benefits of anykind. Take into account that Walmart is notorious for making people work overtime and not paying them for it. So this persons pay is $266 a week and that is b4 taxes, saying conservatively that they lose about %15 of that check to taxes that leaves $226.10 a week in take home pay and $11,757.20 a year. Also consider that this is sales clerks (not all employess like stockers, cleaning etc)and that it is a national average. I'm sure states like yours w/ that higher minimum have swayed this average. Also what do you think the folks who aren't at the registers get paid? Still sound pretty good to ya?