B.W. Souls - Marvin's Groove



  • in an earlier thread someone said it came out on vinyl as well as sytrene

    interesting story though

    I don't know of a vinyl copy, but there are different labels.

    The very common label is brighter, quality like offset-printed label.

    The rare label, that I've only seen 2 times, is a little darker but if you turn it a little in the light, the surface of the label changes and becomes a really golden glittering shine. No difference in deadwax-markings.

  • RaystarRaystar 1,106 Posts
    keep quiet about it... trade some, sell some, keep some... but now everybody knows you got 'em so now they will haggle with you, you showing your hand man...

    oh yea man... dont show your hand when dealing on the most common readily available record in the world. wouldnt want anyone to know you have quantity of BW SOULS...

    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!

    If something is good, there are always going to be people who want it... what does rarity have to do with it? If you have a box of anything good, its going to be worth something to someone. We do still listen to music first and foremost because we like it right or is that not cool anymore? Let me know.

  • phono13phono13 842 Posts

    The question remains: Who was B.W. and who was the band?

    can sumeone up this track por fav

    curiosity rising

    I think www.funk45.com would have a audio clip of this.

  • Options
    You're right Ray. The only people that know that 45 is commone are the funk 45 ssaved searchers and those on the dealer circuit in the States (and specifically those who deal with funk) which is why Anthony probably had an easy tiem selling it to the periphery funk fan. There are some things that are better off on the net, and some not.


  • We do still listen to music first and foremost because we like it right or is that not cool anymore? Let me know.


    just kidding.

    i was just clowing because his lingo sounded like some super secretive ish. truth be told you cannot sell that record in LA anymore and that is the honest to gods truth. totally saturated to say the least.


  • i listen to music no one thinks is cool so believe me when i tell you that i am not always thinking like a dealer here.

    see me amped on private isssue aor garbage and you will know what i am talking about.

    plus i like return to forever.

    this thread is not really about quality of music. it is about scarcity of product. or at least thats what the guy who started it wanted to address.


  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    i like return to forever.

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    i listen to music no one thinks is cool so believe me when i tell you that i am not always thinking like a dealer here.

    see me amped on private isssue aor garbage and you will know what i am talking about.

    plus i like return to forever.

    this thread is not really about quality of music. it is about scarcity of product. or at least thats what the guy who started it wanted to address.


    While I was living in Paris I once skipped school, went to a friend's house smoked some hash and listened to the Weather Report's "Heavy Weather". It occured to that I might be hearing God. Then my friend played a Ronnie James Dio 12". Haven't smoked hash, listened to fusion or Dio since. Am I missing something?

  • akoako https://soundcloud.com/a-ko 3,419 Posts
    i want a copy.

  • mattBmattB (FTB) Anywhere 673 Posts

    can sumeone up this track por fav

    curiosity rising

    guess this is a good a time as any for a first post...

    funk45's been down for a while so here's a sample for the guy that asked

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    B.W. = Brenton Wood, to sidestep his Double Shot obligations.*

    That Cali connection.

    *not at all true.

  • schoggischoggi 298 Posts
    did someone else notice that there are 2 issues of B.W. Souls... they're both on styrene but the label colors are different...
    mine has a shiny golden-metallic label. those hundred copies on ebay have a gold/brown-(non-metallic)colored label... will post pics later... don't have both issues to compare the deadwax numbers. i bought mine before the big load turned-up, paid about the double of what it goes for now but was/is worth every cent ;-)


  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Sometimes metallic surfaces look flat in photographs -
    they may be the same label.

  • schoggischoggi 298 Posts
    i agree, this is possible... of course! a friend of mine had/bought several copies over the years and all had these non-metallic labels... i told him to look out for a metallic one & let me know if he get one of these... i'll post a pic later
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