How to sell a Ghettoblaster on eBay.

SoulificSoulific 103 Posts
edited May 2006 in Strut Central
This is how it could be done: watch the sellers other items.Hillarious!Peace,Sebastian


  • pknypkny 549 Posts
    Need a VCR?

    This person's Ebay salesmanship is truly

  • Definately a top salesman, however if I was to relive my youth with a "Ghettoblaster" it would have to be one of these...


  • Definately a top salesman, however if I was to relive my youth with a "Ghettoblaster" it would have to be one of these...



  • Definately a top salesman, however if I was to relive my youth with a "Ghettoblaster" it would have to be one of these...



    Yeah I'm not up to date with the pricing game but that seems waaaaay overpriced...or very optimistic...

  • akoako 3,419 Posts
    Definately a top salesman, however if I was to relive my youth with a "Ghettoblaster" it would have to be one of these...



    Yeah I'm not up to date with the pricing game but that seems waaaaay overpriced...or very optimistic...

    youre definitely not up to date with the pricing game then...the 90's reissues of lasonic trc-931's alone have been getting up in this range, a price like that on a 777 is actually pretty good by todays standards!

  • shit! My girlfriend's cousin has an old Lasonic jambox in the basement that i've wanted for a few years now. I am not sure what model or anything but I know its pretty fucking nice. Only thing is..the back has been removed for some reason(but is still there ready to be put back on). I have bullshitted forever about getting her to ask if he'd sell it to me, but she has always put it off..but's time to get that motherfucker. Papa needs a new outfit. $$$.

  • akoako 3,419 Posts
    shit! My girlfriend's cousin has an old Lasonic jambox in the basement that i've wanted for a few years now. I am not sure what model or anything but I know its pretty fucking nice. Only thing is..the back has been removed for some reason(but is still there ready to be put back on). I have bullshitted forever about getting her to ask if he'd sell it to me, but she has always put it off..but's time to get that motherfucker. Papa needs a new outfit. $$$.

    depends on what model it is...i got my 931 a few years back for $235, kicked myself for about a year when they were going for pennies again, now even the new ones are back up there.

    get that shit either way.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Need a VCR?

    This person's Ebay salesmanship is truly

    Get that money, Dee Rock!!!


  • eBay PIMP!!!
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