White folks are getting shook (Population related)
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http://mediamatters.org/items/200605120006If it wasn't on FOX, I almost wouldn't believe this shit.
John Gibson: "Make more babies" because in "[t]wenty-five years ... the majority of the population is Hispanic"[/b]Summary: On The Big Story, John Gibson urged viewers to "[d]o your duty. Make more babies," because he had found out, from a recently released report, that nearly half of all children under the age of five in the United States are minorities. Gibson added: "You know what that means? Twenty-five years and the majority of the population is Hispanic." Gibson later repeated: "To put it bluntly, we need more babies."
demographics and right wing scares the shit out of me
ps: look at that guy's face
i hate the fact people truly beleive these things and listen to this guy
Sayeeen - I changed the video to a better quality version from the Colbert Report, but dude is a devil any way you cut it.
Do they breed these Fox people in a laboratory somewhere?
Why would minorities having babies be wrong (there all americans no..equal status of course)
I dont understand why people don't riot outside of fox news HQ
of course, everyone knows that asians outnumber everyone.
I think there's some kind of Advanced Cheerleader training camp in ... Cairo.
yeah i know its just like this fucker
and his war of civilization talk
"Jose can you see?"
I don't know what this world is coming to.
Perhaps you should rename your thread "White person is getting shook."
Please to check Fox ratings and then rethink your point.
I mean, Pat Robertson and Jerry Farwell are fucking nut jobs and look at how many people ride for them (*cough cough* John McCain).
it's very hippy... i know. but i'd be all for it. i'm already a mix, but in no way do i plan on limiting myself to strictly white or hispanic women...
sayin i couldnt beleive that pic either
and if I think some of the texts or views i read/hear in my IntlRelations and IntlPoliEcon and foreign policy, poil-sci classes here in Canada
i cant imagine the type of shit going donw in the US academia
in our modern world there are many issues that are hard to deal with and that our day to day lives leads us to semi-conssciously avoid
but down in the states it seems shit is more undeniable/in your face like a migrant worker in your warehouse and racist neighbors
i'm all for race mixing but a single universal race sounds kinda boring.
telling people who they can and can't love doesn't sound very hippy to me
actually... you're right. this would only be fun for the first couple of generations... then the whole 'exotic-ness' of it all would be lost. coincidentally, my current gf is mixed as well: filipino/italian
That is incredibly naive and doesn't begin to really address the truth of racial problems in the U.S. or world-at-large. I think the idea behind it (not to speak of the other flaws related to choice, etc.) is insulting. Homogenizing people is not the road to solving racial problems.
this notion, applied to humans, is a form of racism in itself imo.
Yes, highlighting "race" to negate it is still a form of...
I've always thought fox new viewership was made up of people like me who get incredibly stoned set their tv timer on for 30 minutes and chuckle themselves to sleep
What if Colbert's ratings were higher than Gibson's? Would that validate my point? haha
Colbert manages to keep me awake