I need to retrieve some things from the iPod...
is this possible??To save room for more DLs, i've been deleting things that are already on the iPod under the notion that i will just burn it to a CD from the iPod later. (like a douche bag, i didnt actually see if this was possible first)So now, i'm thinking i may be missing some MP3 raer!! Not a big deal really, its all retrievable of course, but i'm working on a couple of wicked mix tapes for a friend out of town, and 2/3s of the shit i want to use falls into this digital-audio-file-purgatory catorgory.Any hott tips? (no ayo!)
if peeps have first hand experience with any of these programs I'd be keen to know about em as well
i think that rips them dude kinda goes off on some tangents
(havent tried software but i use another one of his programs)
This program is sweet. The interface basically looks like itunes but is just the music on your ipod and makes copying really easy. Best I've seen.
good luck