What's going on on Thee Struttt

CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
edited May 2006 in Strut Central
I;m here with ayries. Man this prezels and coffe is rte JUMPOFf.


  • I;m here with ayries. Man this prezels and coffe is rte JUMPOFf.

    Where you guys at today C****???

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Hey anyone want to go to seattle?

    Oh and shout out to Tom Delay!

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    I;m here with ayries. Man this prezels and coffe is rte JUMPOFf.

    Where you guys at today C****???

    Moving the movement. We just wrecked our Vancouver hotel room, and by wrecked, I mean spilled almost a full bag of Sunchips on the floor.

  • I;m here with ayries. Man this prezels and coffe is rte JUMPOFf.

    Where you guys at today C****???

    Moving the movement. We just wrecked our Vancouver hotel room, and by wrecked, I mean spilled almost a full bag of Sunchips on the floor.

    Animals....It's like Keith Moon rose from the dead.

  • jdeezjdeez 638 Posts

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    I saw a post about beards. Man I aint got no beard. I can only grow a goatee, like that's all I get. A goatee. Fuck it.

    Oh hhere's some more BLOGGSSSS

    and even more BLOGGGGSSSSSS

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    New Roots song is pretty good. Daniel?

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Yo Cos,
    Any bolos to the dome windmill stylee in Vancouver? Soulstrut has been Snorestrut lately. Like

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Yo Cos,
    Any bolos to the dome windmill stylee in Vancouver? Soulstrut has been Snorestrut lately. Like

    Yeah I noticed that shit. Fuck is wrong with you peoples?

    But nah son I haven't fought anyone yet but people have said shit to me in every city on some "I saw that video of you fighting." We saw some dude get beat down pretty badly in Edmonton. Also, we've killed 1 squirrel and one jackrabbit with our van. We also might kill our tour manager pretty soon.

  • jdeezjdeez 638 Posts
    We also might kill our tour manager pretty soon.


  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    We also might kill our tour manager pretty soon.



  • ayresayres 1,452 Posts

    Who better to narrate the Canuckian leg of the Sunglasses Is A Must tour than the great white north's "favourite" son himself, A-Trak. Click more to read what the young boss has to say about his continued adventures from the highway to the cluuub to the Days Inn with The Rub.

    We now enter the Canadian chapter of the Sunglasses Is A Must tour. Our last evening in the Land of the Free was spent bowling in Minneapolis with DJ Abilities, on a rare day off. Yes, we do things right around these parts. Abilities is quite skilled in this game. Ayres was good enough. Cosmo was just funny to watch, and also offered great game-side commentary. Our tour manager Scooter was so bad it was shocking. And me, I either hit gutterballs or strikes. There???s not much in between. It???s a game of chance, since my aim is nonexistent.

    After a good night???s rest we headed towards the Canuckian border. A well-strategized halt at a truck stop in Fargo allowed me to pick up a lovely Daniel Boone hat, which would soon become the centerpiece of our Canadian sojourn. We crossed the border without too much hassle and, after a full day in the Dodge Caravan, pulled into Winnipeg around 2am. Somewhere along the way I saw some buffalos by the road but no one believes me because they were all asleep when it happened.

    Our Winnipeg show was put on my these guys DJ Co-Op and Hunnicut, and they already the internet going nuts with this lo-fi youtube skit() announcing our show. After sound check they drove us all the way to the other side of town, over the bridge, by some army tanks to have some borscht and pierogies at an Ukrainian restaurant that they obviously really like (apparently it???s a Winnipeg fixture).

    We were playing in a big venue that???s meant for live performances and they explained to us that Manitoba law doesn???t consider DJs to be live entertainment, so what they do is they get these girls to dance on either side of the stage, behind screens. They must have some Hyphy Juice in their water out there because that show was off the chizzain.

    The next morning I put on my raccoon hat and we started driving out to Regina, Saskatchewan. There???s a common misconception about that city. People seem to think it???s pronounced Re-GEE-na, but in fact it???s the other way. The vulgar way. (By the beard of Zeus!) Anyways, moving right along. We drove for a very very very long time on a very very very flat road, and finally pulled into the unfortunately-named city. We were delighted to find a swimming pool with waterslide at our Days Inn, and by George we made good use of it.

    We happened to go to the same restaurant as the mayor for dinner, and apparently he asked the waitress where we were playing. That made its way through the rumor mill, and by the end of the night people were practically asking us ???did the mayor have a scratch session with you???? There was also a girl who kept asking me at the show "do you remember meeting me about 3 years ago in Edinburgh, Scotland? I was at your show and I had a yo-yo??? No but really, I want to know if you remember. I had a yo-yo. Do you remember? About 3 years ago in Scotland? I was talking to you and I had a yo-yo."

    Good show nonetheless. And then at 7am the alarm rang and it was time to mosy on towards Edmonton. That???s the day where everyone started talking to plants. I like those days. The good thing was, Edmonton???s hockey team won some sort of playoff game that evening, so it was bound to be festive. And festive it was. We had a great crowd, and I want to congratulate them because even though the dancefloor was actually slanted up toward the stage (the room used to be a theatre), they gladly fought the forces of gravity and kept dancing all night. Good job guys. Canada is proving to be quite triumphant.

    The weekend was technically off, but in reality I had to go to Chicago on Saturday for a Kanye show, and the rest of the guys had a 2-day drive across the Canadian Rockies to get to Vancouver. If you???re wondering why you never heard about a Kanye show this weekend, that???s because it was one of those morally offensive private Sweet 16 parties. What a weird experience. It was in a real concert venue for about 50 teenagers, and part of the d??cor was 2 women covered from head to toe in mirror fragments like a disco ball. The performance was a complete surprise and the kids obviously lost their minds. I kept trying to get Kanye to say "Who hates math?" between songs, but when I saw that it wasn???t happening, I gladly put myself out there, grabbed the mic and said, even better: "So! Who hates detention?" (Dead silence.) "Good, good??? Tough crowd!" They were too busy taking pictures of Kanye with their camera phones anyway.

    Meanwhile the Rub boys and Scooter had a National Geographic-worthy weekend, driving through glaciers and the wilderness. Says Cosmo: "We saw 2 moose, 2 caribou, a black bear, 4 wolves, a fox, a long-horned ram, something that ran across the road that might have been an ermine, a beaver dam, and a bald eagle." Ayres interjects: "That wasn???t bald eagle! It was a regular eagle." Argument ensues.

  • If you???re wondering why you never heard about a Kanye show this weekend, that???s because it was one of those morally offensive private Sweet 16 parties. What a weird experience. It was in a real concert venue for about 50 teenagers, and part of the d??cor was 2 women covered from head to toe in mirror fragments like a disco ball. The performance was a complete surprise and the kids obviously lost their minds. I kept trying to get Kanye to say "Who hates math?" between songs, but when I saw that it wasn???t happening, I gladly put myself out there, grabbed the mic and said, even better: "So! Who hates detention?" (Dead silence.) "Good, good??? Tough crowd!" They were too busy taking pictures of Kanye with their camera phones anyway.


  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Most blogged tour ever?

  • BaptBapt 2,503 Posts

    Most blogged tour ever?

    Thanks for sharing, Cosmo you cool?

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    We also might kill our tour manager pretty soon.


    Is that fool still shaped like a canoe? (no brokeback)

    It's like someone dug a hole in his chest.

  • If you???re wondering why you never heard about a Kanye show this weekend, that???s because it was one of those morally offensive private Sweet 16 parties. What a weird experience. It was in a real concert venue for about 50 teenagers, and part of the d??cor was 2 women covered from head to toe in mirror fragments like a disco ball. The performance was a complete surprise and the kids obviously lost their minds. I kept trying to get Kanye to say "Who hates math?" between songs, but when I saw that it wasn???t happening, I gladly put myself out there, grabbed the mic and said, even better: "So! Who hates detention?" (Dead silence.) "Good, good??? Tough crowd!" They were too busy taking pictures of Kanye with their camera phones anyway.


    you should asked who did their homework that night...if they gave you the gasface, just start pointing em out to security adn putting them in timeout.

    actually, forget all that....

    is 16 legal??
    did they even have security?

  • hahaha. ayers, you found long last famlee up there!!!! hes got your haircut!!!

    sike.looks like yall killed it and spread the holy rubby gospel

    ketchup chips are so dope

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    We also might kill our tour manager pretty soon.


    Is that fool still shaped like a canoe? (no brokeback)

    It's like someone dug a hole in his chest.

    is it THAT scooter? wowzers i thought that dude got lost in the bermuda triangle of backpack rap.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    We also might kill our tour manager pretty soon.


    Is that fool still shaped like a canoe? (no brokeback)

    It's like someone dug a hole in his chest.

    is it THAT scooter? wowzers i thought that dude got lost in the bermuda triangle of backpack rap.

    Yes, banana chest scooter.

  • btw,

    I have been waiting for someone to do this


    so dope

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    I have been waiting for someone to do this


    so dope

    I can't even take credit for it.

  • btw,

    I have been waiting for someone to do this

    what movies that? yes, i am out of touch with modern culture

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts

    I have been waiting for someone to do this

    what movies that? yes, i am out of touch with modern culture

    i am ashamed to tell you that it comes from the ohso f-a-b-o-l-o-u-s movie "starsky & hutch"

    and wow...that Scooter. haha...what an "interesting" dude.

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    Hey anyone want to go to seattle?

    Oh and shout out to Tom Delay!
    you missed 4/20 up there. they actually give each other fucking presents on 4/20! how ill is that. people get off work like it's a national holiday.

    "Oh Thanks, Cosmo! a bag of WEED! you should'nt have. really"

  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts
    haha, great pictures. Unfortunately I missed the edmonton show despite messaging urrrs a month ago asking if you were the dudes I seen in an ad.

    btw - ketchup chips suck. They hurt my stomach.

  • btw - ketchup chips suck. They hurt my stomach.

    yeah, they definitely aint long term good. but as you get that burst of highfructose cornsyrup sweetened powdered ketchup coming back to life on your tongue, its allllll gravy.

  • thanks for stompin' through vancouver!
    nice to meet you guys...hope you enjoyed your canadian leg of the tour!

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    [color:blue] Monday, May 22 - Tempe, AZ -- Big Fish Pub [/color]

    'Twill be....??c??mo se dice?....ON & POPPING.


    P.S. Murs' tour manager last month was a dude named Scooter. Same guy?
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