Internet Dating (NRR)

triptoyourmindtriptoyourmind 294 Posts
edited May 2006 in Strut Central
I just got hipped to one of these internet dating sites. Anyway, I was browsing (no homo) and I came across an ad posted by a guy I used to go to school with. I've always thought these sites were for people who had no social skills whatsoever. Has anyone got any internet dating horror stories? Don't take this post the wrong way.


  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    I've always thought this site was for people who had no social skills whatsoever.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    Never used one but hear stories of people just using them to hook up. Most people on them just want sex. I've found someone I've know on two sites. Then there's the myspace of dating sites...

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    I have a good friend who met his very normal and very charming girlfriend through, and they seemed to like it.

    If I was still in the dating pool past age 30, I think I would look into it. Seems like a way to cut through a lot of crap

    But hey, what do I know....I have not dated since 1998 or so.

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    I know two girls who met their future husbands through internet dating sites; two girls also met and dated brain surgeons (no ayo...) that led to long term relationships.

    that is all.

    hell, had i not met my fiancee, I'm sure i would have gone this route at some point. look at how i ended up here to talk to you folls.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    paging DJ Daze...

    I hear he gets dates up the ass! Ha!


  • ariel_calmerariel_calmer 3,762 Posts
    paging DJ Daze...

    I hear he gets dates up the ass! Ha!


    We are talking DATING sites, not puerno, right??

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    paging DJ Daze...

    I hear he gets dates up the ass! Ha!


    We are talking DATING sites, not puerno, right??

    We are talking about Daze. Dating and puerno (and work and name-dropping) go hand in hand.


  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    I just got hipped to one of these internet dating sites. Anyway, I was browsing (no homo) and I came across an ad posted by a guy I used to go to school with. I've always thought these sites were for people who had no social skills whatsoever. Has anyone got any internet dating horror stories? Don't take this post the wrong way.
    A guy I work with got a German female stalker from, actually I heard a couple of horror stories from some people I know about that site. You should tell us what site so we can amuse ourselves trying to guess what profile is yours

  • Rob_SevierRob_Sevier 150 Posts
    I just got hipped to one of these internet dating sites.

    In Chicago you can't ride a bus, take a walk down the street, or take a piss in a public bathroom without getting "hipped to one of these internet dating sites."

    On the "web", you can't do anything at all without "getting hipped" to an internet dating site, even if is your homepage.

    Point being, it's 200fucking6, these sites are bigger than Jesus, and nobody in the western world can feign ignorance to them.

    I wish we could.

  • pacmanpacman 1,114 Posts
    I actually met my wife in a chat room one bored night....go figure. I never expected that to happen. I met lots of interesting people from chat rooms. No horror stories though.

  • I just got hipped to one of these internet dating sites.

    In Chicago you can't ride a bus, take a walk down the street, or take a piss in a public bathroom without getting "hipped to one of these internet dating sites."

    I don't live in Chicago. My point was I got directed to a particular site, it wasn't my first encounter with them.

  • the3rdstreamthe3rdstream 1,980 Posts
    I do all my social interactions on the internet

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Ok, here's a horror story though, alas, not my own. I briefly tried internet dating back in 2002 but never got too far before me and my now wife (old friends) became involved, blah blah blah.

    This story comes from a friend of mine, let's call her Jennifer, and this guy she met through Friendster (before Friendster got crushed by MySpace). We'll call him Larry (I actually don't remember his name, one way or another).

    So Jennifer and Larry meet via Friendster, they start swapping PMs, the vibe seems good. Over the course of two months, they upgrade to telephone calls and like many "relationships" that start out this way, you can ratchet up the intimacy level very quickly. By two months in, they feel like they're vibing off each other well and Larry - who lives in the Midwest - decides to visit Jennifer (who lives in Cali).

    Jen has no real expectations here except that she expects to get laid. However, when Larry hits town, it's clear he's on some whole next level, "I think I'm in love with you" tip which, if not a little unsettling given the situation, is further compounded by the fact that he actually does not want to have sex with her because he feels like it'd start the relationship (in his private mind garden) off to a bad start.

    So, basically, the first night they spend together (and of course, Larry is staying at Jen's place), Jen not only is not getting any but Larry, emo boy that he is, starts crying. Now, I think it's great that men are capable of crying and what not, but crying on what really is your first date just is so NAGL. This pretty much KILLS any sexual desire Jen has for Larry and given that she is not, in fact, "in love" with Larry, this pretty much negates any other purpose Larry would have for being out there. The only problem is: he's staying an additional two nights.

    I can't remember if he ended up leaving early or not but Jen told me it was the longest weekend of her life. And not in a good way.

  • Options
    Where's the horror in that story? Sounds common.


  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Where's the horror in that story? Sounds common.


    Well, I guess we now know about how things go down in YOUR personal dating life.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    Where's the horror in that story? Sounds common.


    Well, I guess we now know about how things go down in YOUR personal dating life.

    LOL, K is more emo than dub??? Say it ain't so!

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
    sounds pretty horror to me, but is indeed common...why do some guys have to be emo at the wrong place/time? NAGL, NAGL, NAGL! I wanna try out, since they deliver 18-24 year olds out of my region who are looking for sex. but when i look at the photos, I'm not so sure if I should. But the idea to just do a few clicks to get laid is tempting. However, I guess I prefer real world moves....

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    Jen not only is not getting any but Larry, emo boy that he is, starts crying.

    [THEMACK]Larry you fukin wuss, you flew all the way out there and the girl lets you sleep over and you still gets no tush, dawg![/THEMACK]

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    I been done tried it but I honestly meet more normal ladies out and about town and even while ordering at the local sushi spot (this past friday night) than that schitt. Fuk an interweb. Go "www"less, folls.

    Hah I know it's coming from a foll with 8700+ posts.

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    There's nothing worse than a bad visit...I've done a few great ones, but two real duds stand out as being some excrutiating weekends that seem to last for months. Every moment just hurts.

    Glad I found a wife, and we just moved in together. No more visiting needed.

    Meghan Daum wrote a great essay on internet dating (a guy she met via email) and that awkward first visit. In her collection, "My Misspent Youth."

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    where's the young lady who was sent stalker type messages, and that eerie ass photo where you couldnt quite see the dudes face in the shadows.

    anyone remember this?
    was there an update?
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