Top 5's....where are they now??

ZomBZomB 397 Posts
edited May 2006 in Strut Central
I used to like reading these back in my lurker days & im just wondering what happened to them as i dont see them anymore? Do folks not have top 5s now or would they rather talk about shaving products, bush & racism? Im not really sure why top 5s dissapeared but i think soulstrut should bring em back!!


  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    you go first!

  • 5 Bummers:

    1. Hail Storms
    2. Power Going Out all night because of Hail Storms
    3. More Hail Storms this weekend
    4. Not getting to watch the Lakers/Suns game because of, yep, Hail storms
    5. Did I mention, Hail Storms!!??!!!

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    Top 5

    1. Found out We're having a boy in September
    2. Landscaped yard / New Front Porch
    3. Record Collections Falling on My Lap
    4. The Ludwig Green Sparkle Superclassic drum kit I just purchased
    5. All this nice sunny weather!

    Bottom 5

    1. Watering the new lawn is a 4 hour / day process
    2. Not organized.
    3. SS getting hacked
    4. Spending too much money
    5. Flea Markets suck for records lately.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    I used to like reading these back in my lurker days & im just wondering what happened to them as i dont see them anymore? Do folks not have top 5s now or would they rather talk about shaving products, bush & racism? Im not really sure why top 5s dissapeared but i think soulstrut should bring em back!!

    You may not know it, but somebody started a "fives" thread fairly recently. Only it was called "Ups & Downs," so you may have smoked right past it.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts

    1-Got a 10000$ random altruist donation for my Peru Project at our photo-expo opening yesterday

    2- Got a 2000$ bursary to go back to Peru (bringing in a team of medschool students)

    3- Got some mad records in two different hauls

    4- Oilers!!!!

    5- These two kids I am tutoring have switched it up at the right time and are now bringing their grades up


    1- All this pre-Peru work has take a bite out of my 'music-creating' time (swallowed it whole)

    2- I have yet to receive the 2000$ or buy a plane ticket

    3- I am now broke because of said records and above event

    4- Canadiens

    5- My sister needs to step her academic game up or she might have to 'revisit' her 10th grade catalogue

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    Top 5

    1. Found out We're having a boy in September


  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    5 Bummers:

    1. Hail Storms
    2. Power Going Out all night because of Hail Storms
    3. More Hail Storms this weekend
    4. Not getting to watch the Lakers/Suns game because of, yep, Hail storms
    5. Did I mention, Hail Storms!!??!!!

    WTF??? That fukin sux. They replay the games on NBA TV, so check it this afternoon or something.


    5 tops:
    1. employment goldrush
    2. moving that product
    3. hollering
    4. spending time with family and friends
    5. budgeting

    5 bottoms:
    1. gotta decide
    2. need to move more product
    3. need to holler more
    4. not going to see my sis much this summer till after august
    5. budgeting

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts

    1-Got a 10000$ random altruist donation for my Peru Project at our photo-expo opening yesterday

    2- Got a 2000$ bursary to go back to Peru (bringing in a team of medschool students)

    3- Got some mad records in two different hauls

    4- Oilers!!!!

    5- These two kids I am tutoring have switched it up at the right time and are now bringing their grades up

    Those are excellent man, have fun in Peru!!!! Can't hatt on improving grades, either. Mentoring rocks.

  • 5 Alive
    1. Bought a House -
    2. My fianc?? got into grad school -
    3. Just ordered one of these

    4. Its fucking Friday and I am going to get drunk and start refinishing kitchen cabinets.

    5. Great beer store in my neighborhood where I will spend way too much money.

  • ZomBZomB 397 Posts
    top 5s!!!

    The good
    1. Soulstrut
    2. Ordered some new clothes online
    3. Been makin some dope beats
    4. The suns out again & the ladies are wearing less
    5. Miss Bassie

    The bad
    1. Not brought any new records for ages
    2. Not had my new clothes delivered yet
    3. Not getting payed enough
    4. Working late & missing the sun
    5. Faux Rillz

  • 1. Watering the new lawn is a 4 hour / day process

    they make the sprikler & timers too. $20 to WALMART can ease your pain. Or you could get a goat & fence, the kids are cute!

  • 5 Alive
    1. Bought a House -
    2. My fianc?? got into grad school -

    Huge things to happen at the same time! I hope your lady is getting some grants--the thought of mortgage + grad school tuition is kinda terrifying. We just got a place and my wife has another year of coursework and then about two years of writing left on her PhD, but we've been very fortunate in that she's been getting fellowships (I pray that they continue) and been working part-time (read: full-time) as a graduate student instructor.

    Congrats to you. Where's the house?

  • 5 Alive
    1. Bought a House -
    2. My fianc?? got into grad school -

    Huge things to happen at the same time! I hope your lady is getting some grants--the thought of mortgage + grad school tuition is kinda terrifying. We just got a place and my wife has another year of coursework and then about two years of writing left on her PhD, but we've been very fortunate in that she's been getting fellowships (I pray that they continue) and been working part-time (read: full-time) as a graduate student instructor.

    Congrats to you. Where's the house?

    Yeah, she needs to get on the grant hunt stat, but she will be working part time too and is going to a state school. Our house is in Richmond VA on the North Side.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Clipse of Doom ??? Ghostface/Trife
    Summer Breeze ??? Main Ingredient
    Black Math ??? White Stripes
    Addis Ababa - Willie Williams
    Myrth LP


  • NateBizzoNateBizzo 2,328 Posts

    1: Just dropped the wakeboard boat in the water. Summer is on

    2: Good Records (These Trails & Chris Harwood for $$$, Joe Pass Better Days for cheap!)

    3: Promotion (associate brand manager what?) and 20% Raise is a reality. Still living beyond my means though.

    4: Planning a trip to Italy and Bhutan in the Late Summer/Fall

    5: Free gear from WESC, Stussy, Nike, Creative Recreation and KR3W is always a bonus


    1: Not getting as much exercise as I'd like

    Um...can't think of anything negative.

    I be on that kryptonite.

  • tonyphronetonyphrone 1,500 Posts
    Tip-top 5

    1. Link Wray- missing links vol.1 Hillbilly Wolf
    2. T.I. - "Why you wanna" (Crytsl Waters comeback)
    3. Los Lobos- Kiko (feeling "earnest" lately - see the Boss thread)
    4. Art School Confidential - I relate to this movie too much...
    5. - (shameless plug)

    Bonus round:

    oh yeah- I just got engaged!

  • Top 5:

    1) Got a ridiculous raise/promotion at my job earlier this week
    2) Drunk at work right now (tequila in the office)
    3) Got a nice, cheap of "Songs of Innocence". I didn't get into digging from the hip hop end, so this is my first Axelrod proper LP. I like it.
    4) Blue Notes. Someone I know through work told me she buys records occasionally from some old man that has thousands of jazz records in his basement. He lets her buy them for $1 each. She thinks he has blue notes. If nothing comes of it, I'm still enjoying the ones I have. Lee Morgan was a king.
    5)Nice weather.

    Bottom 5:

    1) Really drunk at work
    2) Nice weather and I'm stuck in an office
    3) My copy of "Big Beat" skips
    4) My planned trip to Chicago may not happen
    5) Have to go to a wedding I have no interest in

  • NateBizzoNateBizzo 2,328 Posts
    Top 5:

    2) Drunk at work right now (tequila in the office)

    We've got a bottle of Patron rotating between pods right now.

  • Bonus round:

    oh yeah- I just got engaged!

    And this only made the bonus round. Congrats, but I hope your fiance isnt a lurker.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Top 5:

    2) Drunk at work right now (tequila in the office)

    We've got a bottle of Patron rotating between pods right now.

    out of the desk and into the open - the latest movement in officework?

    we were guzzling havana rum and cokes here on monday.

  • NateBizzoNateBizzo 2,328 Posts
    Top 5:

    2) Drunk at work right now (tequila in the office)

    We've got a bottle of Patron rotating between pods right now.

    out of the desk and into the open - the latest movement in officework?

    we were guzzling havana rum and cokes here on monday.

    I be on that kryptonite as well.

  • Top 5:

    2) Drunk at work right now (tequila in the office)

    We've got a bottle of Patron rotating between pods right now.

    out of the desk and into the open - the latest movement in officework?

    we were guzzling havana rum and cokes here on monday.

    Shit, the company keeps beer on hand at all times. Someone brought in a blender today and so the company bought Tequila.

    Working with bands and their management deludes us into thinking we're part of that 'rock star' world...

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Top 5:

    2) Drunk at work right now (tequila in the office)

    We've got a bottle of Patron rotating between pods right now.

    out of the desk and into the open - the latest movement in officework?

    we were guzzling havana rum and cokes here on monday.

    Shit, the company keeps beer on hand at all times. Someone brought in a blender today and so the company bought Tequila.

    Working with bands and their management deludes us into thinking we're part of that 'rock star' world...

    yea, when i worked in "entetainment" tv, it was the same. vodka in the freezer, beer in the fridge and appleton rum in the producer's top drawer.

    and to top it off, the basement of the studio had a bar.

  • Top 5:

    2) Drunk at work right now (tequila in the office)

    We've got a bottle of Patron rotating between pods right now.

    out of the desk and into the open - the latest movement in officework?

    we were guzzling havana rum and cokes here on monday.

    Shit, the company keeps beer on hand at all times. Someone brought in a blender today and so the company bought Tequila.

    Working with bands and their management deludes us into thinking we're part of that 'rock star' world...

    yea, when i worked in "entetainment" tv, it was the same. vodka in the freezer, beer in the fridge and appleton rum in the producer's top drawer.

    I can sympathize

  • tonyphronetonyphrone 1,500 Posts

    Bonus round:

    oh yeah- I just got engaged!

    And this only made the bonus round. Congrats, but I hope your fiance isnt a lurker.

    damn your right!

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    1. UK/France is booked for July
    2. Heaps of good records lately
    3. Heaps of good live shows lately
    4. Just had 2 weeks holiday, got sick so I had to relax
    5. New band is going well

    1. It's getting cold
    2. My Nan had to get cancer cut out from around her eye, don't know if they got it all
    3. Work is getting insane, we are doing Oliver for the production & I don't even like that show before I have to listen to the songs 20000000000 times in the upcoming months. Also Education Review Office is visiting at the end of the month, stressful times.
    4. Need to save spending money for trip, I suck at saving.
    5. Dishwasher is broke

  • Clockshot:

    1. Got to see the re-formed Mothers of Invention two nights in a row, and man, I haven't touched ground in a week. Those dudes are totally of the fucking chain!!! I also got to meet them and had them sign a record! Such cool dudes!

    Don Preston's minimoog solo during "PLastic People" with a symphony orchestra backing =

    2. Summer's here! Spring all of a sudden decided to catch up in a huge way! Went direct from 10 C and snow on the ground to 22 C and massive sunglasses action!

    3. Great records at the fleamarket today. Mint Stan Getz/Astrud Gilberto "Getz Au Go-Go" on Verve among other things. Great chocolate-cake too.

    4. Girls look so much better in the sun (not to say they look bad in the winter-time, but I'm sick of that season by now).

    5. Found an old, heavily used cassette marked "disco" on the floor in a parking lot. I'm looking forward to hearing what's on it. Mystery-tapes are where it's at.


    1. During a party last weekend I stepped on a plastic bag filled with broken beer-bottles. A quick visit to the emergency room (accompanied by two very nice girls who felt sooooooo bad for me), and a few stitches/patchwork = I'm on crutches for two weeks. Crutches fucking suck, but at least my arms are getting stronger.

    That's pretty much it!

    Yay for fives.

    - J

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Top & Bottom 5:

    8:22 AM and I'm still drunk, in Cleveland, and have to leave for Chicago in 40 minutes. WA WA WOWIE.

    Just keep telling yourself "It all stays 'on tour' good fellow."

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,138 Posts
    Top & Bottom 5:

    8:22 AM and I'm still drunk, in Cleveland, and have to leave for Chicago in 40 minutes. WA WA WOWIE.

    Just keep telling yourself "It all stays 'on tour' good fellow."

    part of that 'rock star' world...

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts


    i quit my job!


    no prospects!


    i'm giddy with delight! i am going to be broke! but free of this shit!

    i'm kinda scared and nervous too, but fuck it! backyard and records - here i come.

    i will be taking visitors between June 23 and the week i figure out the next thing i'm doing. i have a lovely backyard, non-nosy neighbours and lots of fresh mint for yummy drinks. see you!
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