for my HK peoples (kenny, sno), prease watch

AserAser 2,351 Posts
edited May 2006 in Strut Central is dude so ass hurt? This brings into the bigger context of a recurring problem in HK, noise pollution and the disregard folks in general have for others."lo mo mm diu, diu been gor ah"hahaha, that cracked me up.


  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    I don't know what they were saying, but that sounds like half the people I walk by in my hood every day!

  • snosno 332 Posts
    why is dude so ass hurt?

    Oh yes...the video that got all the people in hkgolden message board all fired up.
    Quite frankly I have no idea why the old dude is acting all gangsta. He's annoyed at the guy behind him tapped his shoulder to keep it down perhaps?

    In any case, I have problem with the guy just sat there doing nothing. I am not a violent person, but no one says "diu lei lo mo" in front of my face goes away unharmed. The least he can call a cop, cos dude cursing up a storm in a bus is a reason good enough for a public misdemenor charge.

    This brings into the bigger context of a recurring problem in HK, noise pollution and the disregard folks in general have for others.
    Yeah, even bigger problem in Hong Kong being he or she who speaks the loudest thinks he or she is right, regardless of their action is reasonable or not : I have lost count of times seeing OLs yelling and screaming to get in front of the taxi queue in Causeway Bay.

    "lo mo mm diu, diu been gor ah"

    hahaha, that cracked me up.

    co-sign...he has more quotes for asking, "when i say diu lei lo mo (that's fuck your mother in English), is my dick really inside your mother? answer me! ANSWER ME! that's just how Cantonese saying goes."
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