teaching an old dog new tricks (serato related)

DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
edited April 2006 in Strut Central
I had a question because i'm still a dinosaur in the new computer era which isn't really that new. Lol. What is the difference between running serato with a mac or pc? I have a pc but everyone I know has a mac and tells me to use a mac. Why is it so much better? I have seen a few times serato fuck up in the clubs when guys use them and it's not a good look. I'm not really feeling serato but will probably make that move soon. It makes a whole of sense for traveling. Also, what if there is more the one dj playing that night and they both use serato, how would that work? My hard drive just fucked up and I lost all of my contacts, music, pics, etc. in my laptop. It cost me $200 on top of that just to get it working again!!! That is why computers absolutely suck. Maybe Cosmo can give me a lesson when he plays out here in a few weeks!


  • 33thirdcom33thirdcom 2,049 Posts
    there is no difference really. Small thing shere and there, but mainly your preference.

    The only thing i would suggest with running it on a PC is to have a dedicated PC for Serato (not your every day internet browsing computer). The only reason being that there are simply more viruses and adware that are geared towards windows operating systems than MACs.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Get an external hard drive to back your stuff up onto. Then even if you computer is beyond repair you can always reload your back up stuff onto any computer. You can do it with a flash drive as well but they don't hold much.

    As far as the PC vs Mac Serato not sure. Usually when the Serato fucks up it's operator error. Just practice a lot at home before you use it the first time. One wrong click and you can stop you set cold. Also, I still use records so I can get the music back on quick in case something goes wrong.

    My only guess with mac is music file compatibility. Depending on how a music file is coded it may or may not be compatible with the Serato. I had to go in and re-code a lot of my files to get them to work. I'm useing a PC. And anything you download from the I-tunes web site is suppose to not work at all because of all the write protections. I've also had this with certian CD's. Example: Terminator X And The Valley of the Jeep Beets won't play and I'm pretty sure it's becuase of write protect / anti copy software on the discs. The same way some dics won't copy in a CD burner.

    But, Serato will automatically recognize your I Tunes and you won't have to individually load and organize everything.

    Overall I recomend Serato for the fact that you don't have to lug tons of crates around, but if it goes down you better have a few records with you to get by.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    for someone who makes their living off djing, i would recommend using a dedicated ibook for serato. shits been smooth as shit on my pc but you just encounter less problems in the long wrong (if any at all) if you run it on a properly configured ibook. a newer ibook should be fine for serato and significantly cheaper than an powerbook which is complete overkill for serato imo

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    I think people praise the Mac because it's more stable than a Windows based PC. Very important during a live show. I always hear stories of laptops crashing during shows. I would guess in most of those cases they're using Windows.
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