The Racists Fucks in my Building



  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    After all these early home buyers start having kids they start taking an intrest in improving neighborhood schools. (Rich people send their kids to public schools in portland.) Other ammenities come to the neighborhood like grocery stores.

    Rich people send their kids to city schools. Ha! I've heard that urban legend before.

    Only in Portland.

    It happens in Atlanta too, but only in the richest areas, like riverside high school and shit. Cause those schools are really nice.

    I went to private school though.

    I think Im just gonna have to get really rich so I dont have to worry about this kind of shit. I cant live landlocked in the middle of the country.

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    It happens in Atlanta too, but only in the richest areas, like riverside high school and shit. Cause those schools are really nice.

    I guess it depends. I know in northeast Ohio there is only... I think, one decent public city/urban high school in about a 70 mile radius.

    The South and West work on different principles that the Northeast and Midwest, though. Schools that would be solidly in the suburbs in the Midwest are still within the city limits in many cities in the South. That's what tripped me out about the South, even in small cities like Tallahassee - neighborhoods that are "in the city" are like the suburbs two rings out up here.

    You guys have county schools too, don't you, so you get a little more mixing and mingling than you would up here where each city and township has its own school system.

    I think Im just gonna have to get really rich so I dont have to worry about this kind of shit. I cant live landlocked in the middle of the country.

    It's all perspective I guess. There are so many positive things about the Northeast/Midwest once you get past the weather and the economy.
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