The Continuing comedy adventures of Kyle Humphries

I posted on here before after some deadbeat tried to rip me off on a James Mason LP.Dude got pissed that I pulled his card on soulstrut and started spitting out a bunch of anti-semetic bullshit and threatening me via Instant messenger. He's been fairly annoying and I've had to block about 5 or 6 different aliases he's come out under. he came at me under a new alias just a few minutes ago with some more fantastic words of love.Does anyone know how I can contact AIM or someone else to get this dumbfuck off my back?I've sent them something before but nothing happened and I'm pretty sick of getting these kind of messages
spikeleerules (10:50:48 PM): you fuckin' jew bitchspikeleerules (10:50:53 PM): i will fucking break your nose offspikeleerules (10:51:08 PM): i swear before god i will fucking murk you
Just text him some bullshit claiming that AOL is
on the case, and that all his posts are being forwarded
to them for prosecution of hate crimes or some shit.
...right after he reads this thread.
yeah I first got in contact with this guy through this site and I wouldn't be surprised if he's reading this thread. I'm not trying to scare dude or anything, I'm just kinda sick of his harrassment and don't want to deal with it anymore.
My AIM game is weak and running through their help menu hasn't given me much help. I'm hoping someone here knows some sort of solution
Umm...I'ma leave this one alone, but I'm sure the day crew will have some answers to this question!
Dear Kyle,
Hi my name is Alan i post on Soulstrut as NZshadow I live in Amsterdam Holland.
There are few things that rile me, but one of them is wannabe record collecters that try to rip people off over the internet, they are really annoying.
Another thing that gets me a wee bit angry is punkass pussy bitches that hide behind internet aliases and spout abuse, boy are those guys scum.
Oh yeah, by the way Kyle, im jewish too! how funny is that, i mean im not practicing or anything, hell ive never been in a synagogue, but my mum is jewish so apparently that makes me one too.
Kyle, i would really like to see you try to break my nose off, that would be funny.
anytime you are in Amsterdam Kyle, send me a PM and id love to meet up and we can hang out and talk about jewbitches.
have a nice day tough guy.
...the plot thickens...
was or is he from some backwater called dennison tx? or someplace that sounds like that? about 45 minutes north of dallas?
is this true?
if so i got something to add to this.
You heard right. My (now ex) girlfriend, who is also Jewish was chilling with me over my place. I had the record up against a wall next to a mailer. She had heard me talk about the situation before and was well aware of what was going on. My AIM was on and sure enough Kyle hits me up from one of his many screen names spouting out a slew of anti-semetic bullshit. She don't play that and stomped on the sleeve. It snapped in half. I felt bad for all of one second. Matter of fact I wish I could take credit. Now that I think about it that took some balls
But lets be honest, that record had made the rounds. Other soulstrutters had seen it and passed on it. I was misled and told it was in VG+ when truth is it was in G condition at best. I'm talking gashes within the record that made certain tracks unplayable. and the tracks that did play were filled with noise. He sold me an unplayable record tried to not give me my money back, and finally got pressured. He reacted by coming at me from multiple screen names calling me every anti-semetic name in the book and making death threats.
Plain and simple you make remarks like that fucker did topped off with death threats you get what you deserve..
He's lucky he ain't in CA. My girl would of whooped that ass.
This is all lame and stuff, but by you breaking this LP in half you really stooped lower than his level man.......I don't know.
Imagine what James Mason would think.
Shades of Hair and Things.
I wouldn't say that breaking the record is below what this kyle guy has done, but I'v always belived in the adage that if you broke it, you bought it. Fight for the refund, take legal action, but you just can't break something, even if its shoddy merch, & then expect to get your $$$ back.
Do to this broken record episode.....I was able to get the jacket from him thus; I now have a COMPLETE James Mason! Needless to say, both parties??? actions can be viewed as inappropriate.
When you coming back to TX REMODE?
Down for their man as in shattering his records?
Paging Raystar
I've got no qualms about what happened on my end, and like I said I am even more proud of my ex for her actions.
For those that thnk that an already unplayable LP is worth more than what went down I need to ask at what price point do you allow racial hate and harrassment to cross that financial boundary?
Remode[/b] I will certainly call you in as my Dallas hit squad next time and don't hesitate to call me up if you need a skinny suburban LA ninja
is this Kyle?
if what you're saying is you now have a complete set than you know your cheating ass has nothing to complain about anyways, you sent me an unplaybale record harrassed me before and after I sent out the LP and crossed the line many times over.
like I said to you months ago our business is done and stop wasting my time with your bullshit harrassment.
Do you even realize that you are documenting death threats and hate speech?
don't even answer that. Just stay the fuck back.