Arthur Lee
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"Arthur Lee from Love has recently beendiagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia(ALL) and has undergone 3 weeks of aggressivechemotherapy. Doctors are hopeful for a fullrecovery, but Arthur still faces more chemo,extensive hospital stays, and a possible bonemarrow transplant. Arthur Lee has no healthinsurance to cover his growing (over$100,000+) medical bills.Arthur Lee (Love) is a man larger than life.A flamboyant artist with a trail of myth andmythology that follows him like a purplefeathered boa. His band Love was the firstrock band signed to Electra, and Arthur isresponsible for talking Jac Holtzman intosigning the Doors. Before all this, in 1964,Arthur gave his friend, an unknown JimiHendrix, his first appearance on record (theArthur penned My Diary, by Rosa Lee Brooks).Love's third recording, "Forever Changes", isstill widely considered to be one of the greatrock n roll discs of all time. Love were trueartists, but not "careerist". They preferredliving together in "the castle" near GriffithPark, to life on the road. Arthur even turneddown invitations to perform at the MonterreyPop Festival and Woodstock.In the 90's Arthur spent eight years behindbars for "allegedly" shooting off a gun inhis apartment. When he was released, hewasted no time getting back to the road andhis music. During the past four years, Arthurhas performed "Forever Changes" to sold outaudiences and fantastic reviews throughoutEurope and the United States, backed by thelocal group Baby Lemonade, and a string andhorn section. Just when he thought his badtimes were finally over, he learned he wassick.To help cover his medical expenses, SpacelandProductions, Bruce Solar from The AgencyGroup, and Mark Linn from Delmore RecordingSociety are producing a benefit concert /tribute for Arthur. We would like to extend awarm invitation to those bands and performerswho want to be part of this benefit to honorone of the greatest singer / songwriters ofour time.The concert will be held in late May / earlyJune; we are looking at venues of all sizes:The Avalon, El Rey, Disney Hall, or GreekTheatre with the line up determining thelocation. Artists we are currently speakingwith include X, Calexico, and Cake. BabyLemonade is available to back up any singerand there will be a string section as well.We are looking for artists to perform a fewof Arthur's songs that capture the spirit andmagic of Arthur Lee & Love. All proceeds willgo to Arthur's medical expenses."