mix-relatedly: mambajahambo! volume 1
279 Posts
sup errrrbody-it's been a long time since I put up a mix, and was feeling surly this weekend so a new one done got done. I brings you Mambajahambo!, random ish for random people. plaese to enjoy. dig_this aka o-nice
I guess "The Special Friends Club" is blind to that real schit.
Bob, you sound a tad mad.
i keed
Besides, it seems like the only way to get a response out of people on this board sometimes.
thx, all - I just likes to make mixes sometimes, aint got no need for das egostroken, but stoked with the kind words nonetheless....
volume 2 coming really soon-like.
This is what I want:-D - Big, free Mixtapes:-P
thx all for the notes, it's much appreciated....if you're in nyc, be on the lookout for this mix to be dropped off in clandestine(?) spots this Thurs/Fri for free on CD w/original artwork....not sure where I'm dropping em off yet, bc I'll be putting them together there in a hotel tomorrow night lo-fi style, and will post spots once they're dropped off. chicago people, they'll be popping up around town next week....people outside nyc/chicago, holler on the PM and I'll flow what ones I have left after I get back early next week (I think I'm making 50-75 or so).
volume 2 is on deck for later this month.