
Young_PhonicsYoung_Phonics 8,039 Posts
edited April 2006 in Strut Central
Sup folks:I know it's Flu Season and some co-workers have been sick. Just the past 2 hours I started feeling some nauseau, achy-ness, and fatigue. Does anyone recomend a medicine that actually works? All my google-ing has resulted in obvious PREVENTION but no remedies/medication that treat the initial onset.


  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts
    zicam or them cold-eze cough drop things. airborne. they have zinc or some shit that's supposed to be be a preventative ingredient.

    drink lots of water. hot water or tea. no milk.

  • meshmesh 925 Posts
    yeah man, i have been sick for the past three days. the parmacist told me you gotta take zicam continually for it to work, so if you are going that route make sure you stick to that.

    i have tried a bunch of shit and nothing is working so far.
    i feel like ass cheese.
    sore throat, achey, runny nose, exhaustion. not fun.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Just the past 2 hours I started feeling some nauseau, achy-ness, and fatigue. Does anyone recomend a medicine that actually works?

    Ross assures me that snuggle sessions with his personal trainer have proven quite effective.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    drink lots of water. hot water or tea. no milk.

    putting lemon wedges and grated ginger in the hot water helps too. same time or not.

  • Imperial_MaoImperial_Mao 1,119 Posts
    Black tea with sugar and Lambs navy rum in conjunction with Benilyn day & night tablets always does the trick for me...

  • i am just getting over one...been sick since friday, but finally feeling better today. a lot of tea, some honey, soups...etc. this tends to happen to me when the seasons change. also, those emrgen-c packets are nice too.

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    ive been sick three times in the past two years. once with a minor cold that included some sniffling and maybe two or three coughs. the other two were regular flus.

    1. yearly flu shot
    2. wash your hands
    3. dont touch your face

    thats it. that circulates in my head all the time. dont touch my face... i just shook someones hand gotta make sure to wash up later doorknob to turn dont touch your face and make sure you wash up later etc etc etc...

    yes its freakish and im somewhat bad when im around friends who are sick (ie: me: "youre sick?" diseased friend : "(cough) yeah" me: "peace...") BUT i stay healthy even though the wife is a schoolteacher and brings home germs all the time...

    ugh... i have to go clean something just thinking about it.

  • mrmatthewmrmatthew 1,575 Posts
    Go as quick as you can to yr local health food store and get this:


    If taken at the onset, it will help reduce the length on the illness.

    No joke.

  • Ross assures me that snuggle sessions with his personal trainer have proven quite effective.

    Get it right, you flabby ponce: they're cuddle sessions.

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
    smoke a blunt, drink a 40 and get laid

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    3. dont touch your face

    this is a big one...also helps to keep skin zit-free.

  • those cold-eeze deals work pretty well if you start taking them at the *hint* of getting sick. seem to drastically minimize sickness duration for me.

  • crossingscrossings 946 Posts

  • Alright mouthbreathers:

    I washed my hands, drank some water, took 2 "Non-Drowsy Non-Asprin Flu" pills, and a airborne tablet.

    I feel better. Not 100% but better. I had to ask the 'Strut because even though I rarely get sick, when I do get sick it all comes crashing down.
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