i get dizzy looking at myspace, it's like a giant whirlpool of six degrees of separation (and boobies).
i can hardly keep up communication with the 10 people i do know - i don't think myspace is for me.
and how does everyone have time to do all this?
colour me fascinated.
im with missbassie on this one. i mean, i can hardly sustain a boner while some bimbo's tricked out myspace page loads on my computer. the lengths you kids will go to get off. im getting too old for this shit.
over three-quarters of a million friends? no way...you are telling me Raj has clicked "approve" almost a million times? lets see, clicking and refreshing takes about 4 seconds, so you are telling me he has spent over 877 hours on myspace approving friends? I am confused if this is the amount of friends that SS has...not that SS shouldnt..its the one of the greatest places on the wide world interweb, but that is crazy...
over three-quarters of a million friends? no way...you are telling me Raj has clicked "approve" almost a million times? lets see, clicking and refreshing takes about 4 seconds, so you are telling me he has spent over 877 hours on myspace approving friends? I am confused if this is the amount of friends that SS has...not that SS shouldnt..its the one of the greatest places on the wide world interweb, but that is crazy...
over three-quarters of a million friends? no way...you are telling me Raj has clicked "approve" almost a million times? lets see, clicking and refreshing takes about 4 seconds, so you are telling me he has spent over 877 hours on myspace approving friends? I am confused if this is the amount of friends that SS has...not that SS shouldnt..its the one of the greatest places on the wide world interweb, but that is crazy...
seriously though, is there really 800,000 people in the world that know soulstrut?
ummm, i doubt it
for a myspace page that's straight up
I have a news anchor helmet thing going on right now.
bing bong boom.
that is madness
The photographer said that was my "not for play" look.
with the same "person!!!"
It's like he's my friend!!!
i can hardly keep up communication with the 10 people i do know - i don't think myspace is for me.
and how does everyone have time to do all this?
colour me fascinated.
step your graemlin game UP **rk.
im with missbassie on this one. i mean, i can hardly sustain a boner while some bimbo's tricked out myspace page loads on my computer. the lengths you kids will go to get off. im getting too old for this shit.
He bought a bulk lot of 700,000 friends on eBay.
"one-click popularity"