Atlantic City pawn shops....
932 Posts
Yayo or Nayo?My lady and i are doing a weekend in Altantic City in a couple weeks and i am just wondering if its worth my time to check out all those pawn shops. i mean granted, if i lose my shirt at the craps table my records are safe an hour and a half away, but i figure with so many people in and out of town there may be a chance for something.
I'm from Atlantic City and there ain't no raers down there. Just spend your time enjoying the Boardwalk, the outlets in Midtown and stay the fuck away from the South Inlet.
That's where I came up too.
The three times i've been down there I've come home with some dope shit.
Whatnauts & shit.
I'll be there in July so don't waste your time.
Got you both beat, cousin.
Fuck that. I'm driving down right now.
"Agnus dei qui tollis peccata mundimiserere eisagnus deigui tollis peccata mundidonna eis requiem."
And a shot out on the Sopranos's to boot...