Minimalist Music at the Disney Hall (dont sleep)



  • i was there too.

    was a little disappointed there was only 94 people on stage (1 conductor, dick cheney on drums, 14 on bass (including mike watt of minutemen and fIREHOSE fame) leaving 78 guitars). even if you count the bass as guitars i really felt the absence of missing 8 guitars. its like in all those sounds you could still hear eight sounds missing.

    seriously i think if the other eight guitars were there my ears would have exploded. it got really loud at points. i thought the earplugs would be for the crotchety old people used to being at the opera but they were a necessity (or maybe i'm old)

    i kinda liked the fanfare and fuss of the concert hall. i kept getting transported to the tiny rooms like the macando or pch club where i along with 15 other people would watch 10 band members play 20 minute long songs. i think for many of the people on the stage it was a real treat to get to play in a place like the concert hall for so many people.

    thanks for posting this up here ap. how was the steve reich? i have heard nothing but good things about the whole series.

  • crossingscrossings 946 Posts
    actually i haven't heard great things about these "minimal concerts"... my brother went the night that THE ORB was playing... he's a huge ORB fan and they hadn't come to l.a. in a long time, so he was stoked... being that the theme was "minimal" it would be logical for them to play mostly ambient stuff [and the orb has some GREAT ambient shit]... but that wasn't the case at all. he said that the only artist that night that actually stuck with the minimal theme was DNTEL... apparently BOOM BIP put on a rock set [???]... and the orb played mostly beat-driven dance music... he was actually disappointed since it cost him $40 to get in and was nowhere near minimal nor chill... and that kinda sucks when you're supposed to remain seated in a chair for a show... sitting isn't for dance or rock music.

  • dsandersdsanders 495 Posts
    The Orb is OK, but I prefer The Orgasmatron.

  • yeah sorry i forgot to mention that i hadn't heard anything about the orb show.

  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts
    hi jeffie

    alright so last week my hammie benjo tried to get me to go but i refused. the next day he called to tell me that he sat through 2 hours of a dude screeching one note out on his violin. it didnt sound like he thought it was that awesome.

  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts
    oh, id also like to say that im no expert on either, but i think minimal sound and architecture are interrelated. they both deal with spatial minimalism and how the mind interprets and navigates that space. both are alright in doses, but i dont want to be surrounded by it.

    my hammie lulu is moving back to taipei for a few months. he was telling me that even when its dead silent in taipei, there is still this faint hum. you cant escape the sound and he said he cant stay in taipei for more than a year because of it.

    anyways, i prefer silence over minimalism. with minimalism, the music stuff, you are basically spending most of your time in anticipation. waiting for what will happen next. with silence you never have to wait. kinda like pop music. never have to wait for the payoff on that shit either.

    ok. enough arty shit, i had korean pancakes from the korean pancake truck this morning. deee-effing-licious.

  • crossingscrossings 946 Posts
    korean pancake truck????

    damn, i'm jealous.

  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts
    korean pancake truck????

    damn, i'm jealous.

    are you in the "southland"?

    5th & western. in the parking lot of the new california grocery market thing. ever had a mcgriddle? its like one of the buns off a mcgriddle except it tastes better but the syrup is somehow injected in the pancake. so dericious!

  • hey snowflake

    i can???t really speak on minimalist music. and i will preface this by saying this is my opinion on architecture, (this shit gets argued back and forth over years and years in books, lectures, and debates) much of what i am going to say now also must be understood in context of post-modern architecture. most importantly ideas of semiotics, and the introduction of deconstructivist (i???m certainly no expert on deconstructivism so anyone who wants to help here can) philosophy into architecture. i.e. building as sign or structure as ornament. see robert venturi or peter eisenman for examples

    minimalist architecture has very little to do with space beyond the immediate impact of the space itself. space is non-representational. minimalist architecture is not interested in finding meaning within itself. nor does it try to convey information or a message. a building does not have credits, subtitles, or labels like pictures in a gallery. a building is a building. as in minimalist art the goal of minimalist architecture is to collapse the time of impact of a work (both physical and emotional) to the immediate, art pursued this goal by distilling form and material into an essence that radiated affect through unmediated presence.

    basic architecture is made from: material , structure, construction, bearing and being borne, earth and sky; space which includes: materiality of walls, light, air, odor??? buildings can have a beautiful silence with warmth, sensuousness, composure, self-evidence, durability, presence and integrity. that is a building being itself, not representing anything, just being.

    minimalist architecture does not form preliminary images of the building and adapt them to the assignment, but by endeavoring to answer basic questions from the location of the given site, the purpose, and the building materials. only by answering these basic step by step questions posed by site, purpose and material do structures and spaces emerge which possess the potential of a primordial force that reaches deeper than the mere arrangement of stylistically preconceived forms.

    i am too lazy to re-visit this mess and make sure it is clear, sorry if it is incomprehensible. too make up for it one last gift. i know you like poetry so much snowflake i dug up an old sketch book where i had copied down a portion of a poem ???bouquet of roses in sunlight??? by wallace stevens.

    Say that it is a crude effect, black reds,
    Pink yellows, orange whites, too much as they are
    To be anything else in the sunlight of the room.

    Too much as they are to be changed by metaphor,
    Too actual, things that in being real
    Make any imaginings of them lesser things.

  • p.s. are those korean pancakes vegetarian?

  • p.p.s. ap are you going again tonight?

  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts
    p.s. are those korean pancakes vegetarian?

    yes they are. i will hook you up, sugar.

  • awallawall 673 Posts
    i'm rather pissed that I missed this...a trip down to LA just wasn't in my budget and i knew i would be kicking myself later.

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