

  • I tried these in a shop a while ago. Sounded great imo, but it seems like everyone
    has got different points of view on them. Anyone that has got them and can tell me a bit more?

    im getting mixed reviews on them and i talk to djs all day. one of the homeys says he was at qbert's house and all of them were skipping.

    anyone to please cosign or dispell the rumors that

    a) ortofons tear the crap out of your recs. more than shure m447s (which according to all the needle info packet thingies are louder than the ortofon nightclubs but not as loud as the ort. qberts)

    b) the plug on the ortofon concorde style needles push the connections back in your turntable tone arm making it so normal carts wont work/work shittily.
    (seen this at clubs and always figured that was why)
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