How does one send a photo album?

I have 81 pics I want to email to my Mom & sis, what's the best way to do this? Can I just upload them and send them a link somehow? All the pics are hugemongous (taken with a 4.0 camera), would I have to resize each one individually? That would suck.Any advice is greatly appreciated.Herm
I recommend or I use both, but I use Flickr more for sending personal photos out to the family. We even got a pro account, which cost like $25/year, and allows a whole lotta uploading. The non-pro free version of flickr has a limit that you might actually hit with 81 big megabyte photos, but it does make it pretty easy to resize - I think it prompts you to do it.
And they don't even pay me for this.
at sites like photbucket images have to be 250K or less, so you might need to use a photoshop type progam to reduce file size before uploading - the maximum visibility on a computer screen is in the vicinity of 80-120 DPI, so forget them 300 dpi specs unless they're going to be printed or whathaveyou
resizing ain't too time consuming - just open em in bunchs of 20 and go thru savign them at lower quality
upload as an album, then send the URl
otherwise burn em to a CD and post em
and herm, be sure to delete any durrty shots featuring yer lady friends to avoid gettin them mixed up in the piece ..
Uh oh, real headz know the deal?
you know its the shit.
really though, it is too damn easy, and free to start.
only problem is, in Dutch flickr sounds a lot like flikker which is a not-very-nice alternative to the word Gay.
picture me explaining to my Dutch mother-in-law why the photos of her grandson are on a website called flikker...