: : : screenwriter strut : : :
3,919 Posts
Screenwriting is cool. I just downloaded Final Draft and I have friends who want me to write, film, and edit stuff. Why the fuck not. I pay in buds and I take buds as pay. and records. Lets set this shit off!
You can start by getting me a Tall Vanilla Soy Chai Latte and taking my suits to the cleaners. My car also needs to be detailed, but don't use the cheap wax it doesn't finish as well, and when you vacuum the carpet make the lines in it like Wrigley field. If you do all of that I will have someone important read your script. And maybe, just maybe I can get you a job as a copy writer with the home shopping network.
tootroo, i used to laugh at words like these, now OVERHEAR this shit at NIGHT.