F@CKIN SCIENTOLOGISTS (south park chef related)



  • numericnumeric 152 Posts
    Isaac Hayes ????

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts

    Matt Stone calling someone intolerant and bigoted?!

    are you saying matt stone is intolerant and a bigot? please give examples.

    South Park the complete season dvd series 1 - 7.

    Showing a sometimes equal amount of bigotry, does not exclude you from being a bigot. In all reality, it should make you more of a bigot.

    I'm not even that touchy, but c'mon, it's doesn't take a long stretch of the imagination to know that the basis of all (?) the humor in South Park is intolerance.

    And somehow that makes him not a bigot?

    also, white people generally get a pass on that show.

    I think some people really do miss the point of south park.

    In a nutshell, the beauty fo south park is that any and all ideology can and will be called into question. Sure, one episode targets specific groups, but if you look at the entire south park catalogue, it is very clear to me that fouvouritism is not something that is demonstrated towards anyone/thing/person/religion/group.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts

    Matt Stone calling someone intolerant and bigoted?!

    are you saying matt stone is intolerant and a bigot? please give examples.

    South Park the complete season dvd series 1 - 7.

    Showing a sometimes equal amount of bigotry, does not exclude you from being a bigot. In all reality, it should make you more of a bigot.

    I'm not even that touchy, but c'mon, it's doesn't take a long stretch of the imagination to know that the basis of all (?) the humor in South Park is intolerance.

    And somehow that makes him not a bigot?

    also, white people generally get a pass on that show.

    I think some people really do miss the point of south park.

    In a nutshell, the beauty fo south park is that any and all ideology can and will be called into question. Sure, one episode targets specific groups, but if you look at the entire south park catalogue, it is very clear to me that fouvouritism is not something that is demonstrated towards anyone/thing/person/religion/group.

    White people get made fun of more than anyone else on that show. The majority of South Park is Xtra-White. And have you ever seen the Stone/Parker segment in Bowling for Columbine?

    PCStrut.com is an unregistered domain. Some cats need to take the initiative and set up shop over there.

  • You guys have all got South Park figured way wrong. In my view its the smartest show on TV. It is PURE satire -- the world that they live in is a world where tabloid and pop culture is amplified to absurdity. When they do a show about Katrina or something or other - it is a show about how this sytem distorts this event as viewed through children. THESE ARE KIDS. They distort everything including this tabloid world.

  • I am so fascinated by Scientology. There is something so bizarre and dark in this whole tom Cruise thing. Every time I think about it, I cackle to myself. I was reading how Tom Cruise was at this Kanye West show, but for some reason he entered through the fire escape. He then, at one point cursed very loud for no apparent reason. He was later that night seen using some ropes to climb a wall up to the window.

    Tom Cruise is the next Howard Hughes. He'll be drinking his own urine and shuffling around in tissue boxes within 10 years.

    People shouldn't be persecuted for their religions. Their cults, on the other hand...

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    You guys have all got South Park figured way wrong. In my view its the smartest show on TV. It is PURE satire -- the world that they live in is a world where tabloid and pop culture is amplified to absurdity. When they do a show about Katrina or something or other - it is a show about how this sytem distorts this event as viewed through children. THESE ARE KIDS. They distort everything including this tabloid world.

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts

    PCStrut.com is an unregistered domain. Some cats need to take the initiative and set up shop over there.


  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I think I understand now... So in showing equal intolerance of everything actually makes you unbiased.

    So I guess then you guys would consider Faux_rillz the most musically openminded cat on the strut?

    It's pertty clear now.

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    cashless what do you think of dudes like R Crumb, Bill Hicks, Samuelle Beckett, Jonathan Swift, and Celine (no not THAT celine!!!)??

    Misanthropy is a large and important aspect of satire...

  • the3rdstreamthe3rdstream 1,980 Posts
    I think I understand now... So in showing equal intolerance of everything actually makes you unbiased.

    So I guess then you guys would consider Faux_rillz the most musically openminded cat on the strut?

    It's pertty clear now.

    i trust faux's opinion over most peoples on here who treat all records equal and think there is something good about every musician or record

    i am so happy to see that there are a lot of people on the board that do get south park, i saw this post last night as i was walking out the door at work and expected everyone on pcstrut to bash the show. yes south park makes fun of everyone and anything, thats why i like it, ripping on sacred cows is an action too few shows do and south park does it with humor not with anger.

    when team america came out someone on here said it was homophobic cause of the part where it made fun of rent, but they didnt make fun of gays, they were making fun of the lame ass musical. and team america was more about making fun of michael bay films and stupid ass celebraties who feel the need to bang regualar folks over the head with their politics, matt and trey hate actors, the film really wasnt about the war although the last part about assholes pussys and dicks has a point

    and yes cashless i feel south park is less biased than say the daily show, and funnier as well

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    cashless what do you think of dudes like R Crumb, Bill Hicks, Samuelle Beckett, Jonathan Swift, and Celine (no not THAT celine!!!)??

    Misanthropy is a large and important aspect of satire...

    I think R. Crumb is the stand out exception here. Fuck that dude. His shit is straight up racist. He himself is a racist. There's not too much tolerance on any level there, IMO.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    I think I understand now... So in showing equal intolerance of everything actually makes you unbiased.

    Ummm...not quite, but close. Like, Hayes can't say that South Park is anti-Scientology because it's not like the show rips on Scientology but protects Christianity, Judaism, etc. It rips on all those things. Perhaps you could say that it's anti-religion in general, and then you'd be on to something, but the show is more interested in ripping on foolishness, sacred cows, and stupidity wherever it might pop up than in following any sort of bias (i.e. "We're only going to rip on Scientology stupidity").

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Equality comes in lots of different packages.

    Some good.....some not so good.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts

    Just curious but what comedians do you think are funny in a biting, satiric way?

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    cashless i dont want to get into it with you but you honestly think crumb is racist?

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    cashless i dont want to get into it with you but you honestly think crumb is racist?

    Honestly, yes. I've read quotes from dude that "not a good look" wouldn't begin to describe.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    cashless i dont want to get into it with you but you honestly think crumb is racist?

    i don't want to comment on whether or not Crumb is a bigot or not, but just because the dude loves Blues music, collects records by Black folks and praises them in his books hardly means he's not racist. We can't really be sure how he treats or feels about everyday people. He draws a lot of women and clearly 'enjoys' them, but I would not say his attitude towards women is very healthy or evolved.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Just to explain something, since I never did from the beginning of my comments...

    I would rather have someone, an obvious racist, be completely intolerant and racist in an outright fashion, than someone feigning tolerance under the guise of equal hatred. Everyone has bias, let's not fool ourselves. But Stone's acting like some color-blind saint or something when he couldn't even write any SP material without having those same baises that he decries somewhat internalized. We all do, fuck it.

    I'm not trying to censor Stone, but I think that him taking the high road over Hayes is strictly weaksauce.

    That was my original point.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    Just curious but what comedians do you think are funny in a biting, satiric way?

    This bitch young lady. Why? Because I hate her, but she's funny. I don't think she's trying to hide very much. All her shit rides on her sleeves.

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts

    i don't want to comment on whether or not Crumb is a bigot or not, but just because the dude loves Blues music, collects records by Black folks and praises them in his books hardly means he's not racist. We can't really be sure how he treats or feels about everyday people. He draws a lot of women and clearly 'enjoys' them, but I would not say his attitude towards women is very healthy or evolved.

    well that brings back the concept of misanthropy, which is the dislike of the HUMAN tribe... and this ties into existential notions of the isolated individual.

    a person who professes to feel no kinship with ALL peoples, and a dislike of ALL peoples, including their INDIVIDUAL self

    is the person also a defacto racist, bigot, or misogynist?

    i would argue that no they are not... because they have a dislike of ALL human characteristics... including the characteristics they themselves possess.. the cornerstone of misanthropy is inherintly HUMANISM, a true misanthrope sees all people as EQUAL and THE SAME...

    Racism and Biggotry are based on the notion that ONE is better than an OTHER.. that the OTHER is fundamentally flawed, inferior and is thus denegrated as such.

    I myself do not agree with alot of crumb's personal philosophy but at the same time i believe misanthropists are capable of great and highly interesting art, creations and insites due to their oustider role in society.

    societal norms and values are not inborn traits, they are learned / taught.. in the same manner as people are not born religious, they are taught religion. There's something to be said for an individual who sees thru these societal constructs and focuses on the NATURE of the species, even if its a negative focus.

  • JazzsuckaJazzsucka 720 Posts

    i don't want to comment on whether or not Crumb is a bigot or not, but just because the dude loves Blues music, collects records by Black folks and praises them in his books hardly means he's not racist. We can't really be sure how he treats or feels about everyday people. He draws a lot of women and clearly 'enjoys' them, but I would not say his attitude towards women is very healthy or evolved.

    well that brings back the concept of misanthropy, which is the dislike of the HUMAN tribe... and this ties into existential notions of the isolated individual.

    a person who professes to feel no kinship with ALL peoples, and a dislike of ALL peoples, including their INDIVIDUAL self

    is the person also a defacto racist, bigot, or misogynist?

    i would argue that no they are not... because they have a dislike of ALL human characteristics... including the characteristics they themselves possess.. the cornerstone of misanthropy is inherintly HUMANISM, a true misanthrope sees all people as EQUAL and THE SAME...

    Racism and Biggotry are based on the notion that ONE is better than an OTHER.. that the OTHER is fundamentally flawed, inferior and is thus denegrated as such.

    I myself do not agree with alot of crumb's personal philosophy but at the same time i believe misanthropists are capable of great and highly interesting art, creations and insites due to their oustider role in society.

    societal norms and values are not inborn traits, they are learned / taught.. in the same manner as people are not born religious, they are taught religion. There's something to be said for an individual who sees thru these societal constructs and focuses on the NATURE of the species, even if its a negative focus.

    I like Robert Crumb's work in some of it's twistedness and the pieces on blues are also very honest, but the guy really is a RACIST AND A SEXIST. He uses stereotypes of women and black people as objects all the time to serve his own perversions. Simple misanthropy just doesnt pass in his case, I think.

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts

    I like Robert Crumb's work in some of it's twistedness and the pieces on blues are also very honest, but the guy really is a RACIST AND A SEXIST. He uses stereotypes of women and black people as objects all the time to serve his own perversions. Simple misanthropy just doesnt pass in his case, I think.

    what about his presentation of HIMSELF?? do you think he tries to pass himself off as superior in any way?

    because its flawed logic to accuse someone of being a racist or a sexist if the person in question doesnt protray / think of themselves as any BETTER than those people.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    because its flawed logic to accuse someone of being a racist or a sexist if the person in question doesnt protray / think of themselves as any BETTER than those people.

    Man, what are you talking about? You've obviously never suffered through any serious racism. Are you saying that if a depressed suicidal soccer mom calls me a "nigger" it's not racist?


  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    because its flawed logic to accuse someone of being a racist or a sexist if the person in question doesnt protray / think of themselves as any BETTER than those people.

    Man, what are you talking about? You've obviously never suffered through any serious racism. Are you saying that if a depressed suicidal soccer mom calls me a "nigger" it's not racist?


    lemme add self-loathing to that description...

  • street_muzikstreet_muzik 3,919 Posts
    For some people, "racism" may only be a semantic topic.

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    cashless you miss my point, from wikipedia:

    Racism refers to beliefs, practices, and institutions that discriminate against people based on their perceived or ascribed "race". Primarily, it refers to an assumption that the human species can meaningfully be divided into races, together with hostility to people of certain races or a belief, conscious or unconscious, that people of different races differ in value. Some people whose thinking about others uses racial categories believe that different races can be placed on a ranked, hierarchical scale.

    Misanthropy is a general dislike of the human race. It is not dislike of individual human beings, but rather dislike of the features shared by all humanity throughout place and time, including oneself. A misanthrope is thus a person who exhibits a general dislike of humankind.


    from a personal stand point i beleive all people are fundamentally equal and the same

    thus i cannot relate to / fathom / understand racism / sexism of any form

    but i can THUS understand how someone could hate all peoples equally.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    You've obviously never suffered through any serious racism.

    I would like to hear about what kind of serious [/b] racism people have suffered through in the 80's, 90's and 00's in the U.S.

  • street_muzikstreet_muzik 3,919 Posts
    You've obviously never suffered through any serious racism.

    I would like to hear about what kind of serious [/b] racism people have suffered through in the 80's, 90's and 00's in the U.S.

    Define serious.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    You've obviously never suffered through any serious racism.

    I would like to hear about what kind of serious [/b] racism people have suffered through in the 80's, 90's and 00's in the U.S.

    Define serious.

    However the person who said this defines it...."You've obviously never suffered through any serious racism"

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    You've obviously never suffered through any serious racism.

    I would like to hear about what kind of serious [/b] racism people have suffered through in the 80's, 90's and 00's in the U.S.

    Nevermind... I'm done.
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