What's good people?



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    Friday - DJed with my pal B*m*l at local bar, we played all sorts of stuff from France Gall to Erlon Chaves to the Knife to a receptive crowd... only problem was these two stinky girls who were really dancing it up and causing people to try and get away from them due to their excessive BO - bar staff distributed insense and turned on the a/c to try and air the place out causing a minor flood... but night was definitely cool, and fun to play a wide selection of tunes... when B*m*al played the Knife lots of girls came up to tell him what a great DJ he was. (note to self)

    Saturday - met up with friends to drink wine and eat lots of good food in a really nice communal atmosphere... we discussed such weighty topics as: would really rich blind people would have multiple seeing eye dogs in different colours to match their outfits? then we went and saw a documentary on Metal music, and were surprised by the outrageousness of the Norweigians.

    Sunday - started rainy, turned beautiful - my girl and I got coffees and rambled around... then we looked at a large map of Toronto and tried to decide what a good neighbourhood to live in would be... is cabbagetown too sketchy? is queen west west too hip? is high park / roncesvales too far away? then I drove home in the fog. altogether a really good weekend.

    Cabbagetown is dope. Gritty, not too hip (you have St Jamestown and Regent PArk there to keep your hipness levelheaded). College streetcar. I live just across the Gerrard bridge at Broadview (in east Chinatown) - we could walk to each others house. Anousheh can hip you to Queen West.

    K in Canada.

    Friday, i hung out at my girlfriends restaurant until we went back to a freinds house and partied until sun up. Something euphoric about coming home to a grogeous sun up in an empty Chinatown at 5:30am.

    Saturday, biked to Scarborough after being hipped by a rock dude to some reggae in a thrift shop (50 70's singles for $50) then proceeded to my older Jmaican freinds house for some more trades/buys. Home to shower and then chill with Miles Cleret of Soundways Records at Turning Point early. Rode home.

    Sunday - picked up by good freind and reggae DJ Chuck Boom. Ventured north of the city to check out a reggae.psyche,folk,soul collection he'd sourced out. Hit up a couple stores and ate some LIck's burgers. Came home to flex the speakers with new tunes.

    Fun time, K.
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