Milosevic found dead

LamontLamont 1,089 Posts
edited March 2006 in Strut Central


  • the fucker. supposedly of "natural causes" as well.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Mengele died running into the ocean off the coast of Brazil. Butchers rarely get their just desserts.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    fuck him.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    God I hope there is a hell

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    fuck him.

    suck it slobodan!

  • soulmarcosasoulmarcosa 4,296 Posts
    At first I thought it said "Nilovic" and was wondering why everyone was so salty.

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts


    due to this fucker and his serbian nazifriends you have a hard time getting any records in the area of sarajevo...people had to use them to make fire during the winters cause they had no energy due to the (stupid European) embargo and these stupid Serbian fuckers destroying the city and killing people...

    That's also the reason you will not find me in the city of belgrad anytime soon...and you can get records there much easier...

    oh, and one more thing, do NOT[/b] rest in piece you filthy little piece of dogshit...excuse me french (although these fuckers played a mean part too, same goes to the Dutch, let alone our incompetent German dickheads), but i get emotional everytime this topic comes on since I have some Bosnian friends that explained alot to me...also been there numerous times....

    peace to all that suffered and were killed due to this big Fucker and his friends....may there souls be free!!!!

    Never forget Srebrenica!!!!!!!!!!



  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    yeah fuck him and the horse he rode in on

    my wife and her fam are from yugo and this man and his peeps fucking ruined their homeland...

    im not a believer in christianity so i doubt the fucker is rotting in hell.. luckily im down with the karmic wheel of destiny and im pretty sure this guy is gonna suck a big one in each and everyone of his next lives.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    At least he died in a jail cell and not in some mansion. But yeah, justice is an elusive beast.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    I actually worked on his case for a minute while interning in the Hague (no, not for the defense).

    Dude was a first-class bastard and was living pretty phat in Holland throughout his trial (albeit behind bars, but in relative luxury nonetheless).

    Just to remind y'all, it took NATO bombing the hell out of Blegrade and parts of Kosovo in order to finally oust this guy and bring him to justice.

  • kicks79kicks79 1,346 Posts
    I actually worked on his case for a minute while interning in the Hague (no, not for the defense).

    Dude was a first-class bastard and was living pretty phat in Holland throughout his trial (albeit behind bars, but in relative luxury nonetheless).

    Just to remind y'all, it took NATO bombing the hell out of Blegrade and parts of Kosovo in order to finally oust this guy and bring him to justice.

    Actually if you read dude's like chomsky's writing. It was Nato's bombings that esculated the ground conflict and ethnic tensions. Most of the atrocities happened after the bombs started falling.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    I actually worked on his case for a minute while interning in the Hague (no, not for the defense).

    Dude was a first-class bastard and was living pretty phat in Holland throughout his trial (albeit behind bars, but in relative luxury nonetheless).

    Just to remind y'all, it took NATO bombing the hell out of Blegrade and parts of Kosovo in order to finally oust this guy and bring him to justice.

    Actually if you read dude's like chomsky's writing. It was Nato's bombings that esculated the ground conflict and ethnic tensions. Most of the atrocities happened after the bombs started falling.

    well OK many of the atrocities in Kosovo may have occurred after the bombing. But that really doesn't prove anything. The Serbs knew they were beat once NATO escalated the bombing, so they did as much damage as possible while they still could. So of course you saw some gruesome shit following the bombing.

    But consider the alternative. Remember dude had already started four wars at this point. It was long past time for him to be stopped, which would never have happened without NATO's action. The conflict could have dragged on for years more had NATO not stepped in. And the ultimate death toll would likely have been higher.

    I'd like to hear what Chomsky's proposed alternative was. The Dayton accords had not addressed the Kosovo crisis. The diplomatic channels were largely spent. And people were dying. Should we have just waited it out and let the Kosovars get slaughtered?

  • Let's hope Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic get to face justice sometime soon, before they die of something.

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
    Let's hope Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic get to face justice sometime soon, before they die of something.

    yeah, these fuckers are still hiding in some orthodox churches somewhere in the mountains of serbia...and trust me, this whole damn conflict is far from over...just cause people are not fighting anymore doesn't mean that there is no more long as the idea of the "Big Serbian Empire" is alive, people will go for it...

  • CaMKIIaCaMKIIa 269 Posts
    Let's hope Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic get to face justice sometime soon, before they die of something.

    yeah, wasn't another in slobo's regime found hung in a jail cell last week...deemed an apparent "suicide"?

  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts
    Let's hope Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic get to face justice sometime soon, before they die of something.

    yeah, wasn't another in slobo's regime found hung in a jail cell last week...deemed an apparent "suicide"?

    Yes, Milan Babic commited suicide in prison last week. He was serving a 13 year sentence.

    I doubt any sane person will actually be sorry that Milosevic is dead, but it is a shame that he died before receiving his sentence. It might not mean anything in the grand scheme of things, but I'm sure a lot of people wanted an official conviction, to serve as some sort of redemption and as a symbolic statement to future generations. He has also taken a lot of withheld information with him to the grave, things that we will never know about now.

    I went on a round trip to Bosnia, Serbia and Macedonia during the summer of 2004. The trauma of the civil war was still felt, and even though the young people seemed to be fed up with the nationalist bullshit, the seeds that Milosevic and his cohorts planted were still evident in certain parts of society. Man, the stories people would tell me from the war were just gut-wrenching. The general distrust on all sides will be hard to eradicate.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    odnio ga vrag.

    the hague trial was a joke.
    let him answer to the almighty.

    i know the fucker commited suicide too. it will come out that he died of poisoning and his supporters will forever claim it was the UN that poisoned him. meanwhile he's a sick fuck, with a family history of suicide (both his parents commited suicide).

    i can't believe the man still has supporters, he robbed everyone blind including his own people while his family is in russia living rich. fuck him. i don't wanna hear his name ever again. let the devil take him.
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