Naming names (weiner related)

DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
edited February 2006 in Strut Central
Alright strutters, got the follow up ultra sound today and there was definitely weiner showing. So we gotta come up with some boy names. My wife is stuck on August but I ain't feelin that too much. Lay some nombres de hombres on your brotha from the PDX. The winner will receive a copy of Bobby Brown's "My Perogative" 45 with pic sleeve or a dubbed tape copy of Elliott Smith's first ever recordings (when he was in college). Your choice. Warning the Bobby jernt is minty as hell.Oh speaking of naming names.....Did anyone see Jeb Magruder on PBS come out and finger Nixon for the Watergate break-in. Dude, said he was in the room when Nixon told AG John Mitchell over the phone to plant bugs in Larry O'Brien's office at the Watergate. I guess that settles that. Fucking liars.


  • This was definitely a challenge for my woman and I.

    Luckily we had a girl since we were much more sure of the girl names than the boys (we went with Dylan - BEFORE we heard about Sean "steal my kid's name" Penn!).

    One of the hardest things is to try and think if either of you has ever known people with each particular name and what type of people they were. I'd come up with a name I really liked only to hear "no, I dated someone with that name and he was a real dick!"

    Anyway - not to pry - but it would make it a whole lot easier if I knew your last name as it will always need to work as a set. No worries if most other strutters already know it and you want the privacy, just sayin...

  • the street i live in is llewellyn, which is welsh for william, and i think its pretty tight, but i can see its not a name that people would dig.

    My freinds just named their son "j***h Danger B***e" so he could say "danger is my middle name "

    Definately need a surname to work with!

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    Good points. My wife is always bringing up how some guy she went to HS with had a name and he was a loser. I am like so what. The boys middle name will be Peter after my father who past 12 years ago. My last name is a doozy, Blumklotz. It's pronounced just as its spelled BLOOM-KLOTZ. I always tell people that it's Smith in Poland. My daughters name is Kathe (pronounced Kay-Tuh), which was my grandmothers name. Some think we should name him after my father's father, Bruno.

    Anyhow, fire away.

  • Ironfist



    Oggie or Augie


    Fyve (FIVE)





  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    Jethro, are you crazy?

  • How about:





    Noah (Like mike nowadays...)

  • I like Bruno (that's actually what I named my car) but I think it might be too much with the last name of Blumklotz. Two syllables each and they sound too close - it would be a bit of a tongue twister.

    I actually like William, and it could be shortened to Bill which would work well with your last name.

    Sounds like you are kind of going traditional so I will suggest in that vein...

    How about Oliver?
    It's sort of traditional but also kind of interesting in an artistic sort of way.

    I was partial to Tyler if we had had a boy.

    Andrew/Andy (I've known several great guys with this name)?

    Henry sounds like it would fit nice.

    I'll post more as I think of them, but I am also assuming that you already own one of those completely overwhelming books for five gazillion baby names?

    [Of course if you wanted to strut out you could go with Leo/Leopold /]

  • i think bruno is a great name but not so sure with your surname..usually a shorter first name goes best with a longer surname.



    if you`re anything like me and my mrs you`ll be disagreeing over this up until the birth!!

  • bruno blumklotz sounds ... that gets my vote, if i have one

  • if you`re anything like me and my mrs you`ll be disagreeing over this up until the birth!!


  • I'm not even married 6 months yet and we are already arguing about this. My husband likes the name Santino. We live in New Jersey. Our kid would grow up feeling like a Sopranos extra.

    Congratulations, by the way!

  • Our kid would grow up feeling like a Sopranos extra.

    Or a fashion designer!

    Real Runway Headz Know The Deal!

  • Andrew/Andy (I've known several great guys with this name)?

    My brother and 2 close freinds are Andrew/Andy's, and they are all stand up dudes with a wicked sense of humour/mischevious streak. Sounds good with your surname too.

    The first name that came to my mind with your surname was Noah. Choose to take it biblically or not, i still think its a nice name.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts

  • BurnsBurns 2,227 Posts




  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts

  • Peter





    sound like weiner names to me!


  • How about Oliver?
    It's sort of traditional but also kind of interesting in an artistic sort of way.

    I was just saying to my fiancee that I like this name. cosign....Plus, it shortens well to Oli.

    Gotta say, I'd vote for the slightly unusual names. My name is gareth, and I grew up in southwest Ohio (near you, wu? i saw that skyline ish you posted last week). People looked at me funny at Kroger's with a name like gareth, but it gave me a lot of pride, and truly helped make the person I am today. Names ain't to be taken lightly, so good lookin' out on this.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    With a last name like that (simply reiterating your "doozy" admission; no offense), I'd be going for the big, multi-syllabic first name. Rick and Jim and Pete would make the name weight all bottom-heavy. Think: William or Alexander. Wealthy donor-sounding.

    I did this name thing before with AP's daughter (took me far too long), and I came up with some nice ones. Give us more information - what are you and the missus into? Meditation gardens, tattoo parlors, or something in between? Exotic or domestic? Blazing Downtempo or Popo Zao? What's your milieu, Drew?

  • With a last name like that (simply reiterating your "doozy" admission; no offense), I'd be going for the big, multi-syllabic first name. Rick and Jim and Pete would make the name weight all bottom-heavy. Think: William or Alexander. Wealthy donor-sounding.

    Above mentioned fiancee has the distinctive, but looong last name (Santamaria) and her parents went the opposite route, with a short first name. Their logic was that it makes life a lot easier for young kids learning to spell, and they ain't too far off on that, imo.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    But Santamaria is a different sort of long last name. It's more feminine and flowery.

    Nathaniel is nice and shortens well.

  • But Santamaria is a diferent sort of long last name. It's more feminine and flowery.

    Yeah, totally...but, spelling it for a 6 year old is no picnic. Sayin'...You're right, but just throwing out the other school of thought.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts





  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    Thanks for all your help. It's interesting to hear your thoughts. I think LUCK is right with my last name, it has to be longish and strongish (NO AYO). Before our last one, when we didn't know what we were gonna have, we had pretty much agreed upon the Judah. I love the name for many reasons. Judah Maccabee was a great Jewish warrior who restored the Temple to our people (word to Channukah). I also love the diminutive, Jude. Now, my Jewish Queen has gotten cold to the idea. The funny thing is that she has a weirdly spelled common name. SHe's Aryne, pronounced ERIN. I tend to llike oddball names that shorten nicely, hence my daughter's name KATHE becomes Katy. Keep the ideas flowing this is helpful.

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    My mom suggested Elliott but I got personal issues with that one as my first post might suggest.

  • Thanks for all your help. It's interesting to hear your thoughts. I think LUCK is right with my last name, it has to be longish and strongish (NO AYO). Before our last one, when we didn't know what we were gonna have, we had pretty much agreed upon the Judah. I love the name for many reasons. Judah Maccabee was a great Jewish warrior who restored the Temple to our people (word to Channukah). I also love the diminutive, Jude. Now, my Jewish Queen has gotten cold to the idea. The funny thing is that she has a weirdly spelled common name. SHe's Aryne, pronounced ERIN. I tend to llike oddball names that shorten nicely, hence my daughter's name KATHE becomes Katy. Keep the ideas flowing this is helpful.
    How about other Biblical names, like Aaron or Adam or Elijah (word to Passover). Or you could go a little more exotic and do Hebrew names, like Aryeh (lion of God) and Zev (wolf).

  • caleb





  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    You should name him:


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