Does anyone else have to work today?
edith head
5,106 Posts
I mean seriously, WTF? I work for a big conglomerate and we don't have President's Day off. WHAT?!?! - Our building turned off the heat since they figured no one would be in, so we are all freezing our asses off- I didn't pack a lunch and every lunch place in the area is closed and i'm hungover and already hungryf*cking stingy ass companyoh and one of my good friends just got a graphic design job where his boss buys everyone lunch everyday and sends the whole office to amsterdam for a week for the "holiday party." everyone is a jerk right now
But then I started to teach. Currently I'm off for a week (ski week)...don't care to ski but I sure will take it. Don't mean to gloat though. I feel your pain. I'm raising my Irish Coffee to you right now.
"Sounds like somebody has the case of the Mondays"
working in amsterdam on monday sucks !
(even if it's only twice a year)
seriously, i don't understand this. my company only gave us MLK day off this year. just this year!
i am just jealous because all my friends are getting these crazy awesome jobs where they get 2 bonuses a year, crazy paid vacation and all that and i don't understand how that is possible with san francisco's pitiful job market and economy.
i want a job that sends me to amsterdam for fun
I thought I was gonna have the week off! Bastagaas
i didn't have none of that shit growing up
Probably because they can't call it a Christmas break anymore or even a holiday break. PC culture gone haywire.
shit, kids in tucson get "rodeo days" on thursday and friday for the big rodeo this weekend.
i work at the university and we do have to work today, and also don't get rodeo days.
it's not winter break. this is an additional week off
But have they made the summer holidays any shorter? Some schools do this now. Trying to make the school year spread out more, since the summer holiday isn't needed in this day of age anymore.
So maybe they get another week off here and there, but the summers are shorter...
WHOA. are they hiring?
we're slowly recovering from our post-dre day haze and are kind of working today.
tryin to make some presidents on presidents day.
I'm in the same position, but its hella quiet. Got my shoes off & my feet up on the desk.
DOR - do you get off every friday paid in the summer or is that a Quebec University thing?
I'm the same... I've been loungin' in my office all day. Most of the University is off, cept Medical Science. Hence I'm here dying for someone to post some seriously funny threads on the strut.
Paid friday's off in the summer? Fuck.. I wish!!! Sign me up!
um, yep.. I'm working today as well, but then again I'm here Sunday thru Thursday regardless, even if it's Christmas.
I do have a "funny/sad/are you kidding?" story in regards to MLK day. Granted this was only about 3 years ago, my good friend JP worked for this small company that did telemarketing here in downtown San Jose. I think they had like 12 or 15 employees, well of those, only 2 were African-American, JP being one of them and well they were the only ones that had MLK day off (WTF?) I told him, that shit is fucked up and straight up racist why don't you say something about it?
his reply was "fuck it, I'm gettin' paid to not go to work, sleep in and get high. Besides most of them take St Patrick's Day off while I work so it's cool..."
And this whole 'ski week' is garbage!! They got that out here in NYC, and my boy's girl is a teacher and chillin' this week. pfffff
We did not have this in Cali when I was growing up, so I'm seriously pissed at all these newjack poptart grade school little dudes.
Ha ha! I used to LOVE that shit when I was younger. Moms would wake us up all early, wrap some chorizo burritos in foil and take us downtown to see the ol' rodeo parade.
Now I get all mad when the parade route makes me take a detour.
Growing up sucks.
Hi Ry*n!
K in Canada.