Penrose's new solution for Quantum theory.
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I know a bunch of you fellas are amatuer scientists and are into quantum theory. There's some new hypotheses out there which answers some questions and seems to work much better than a lot of ideas. So basically, a big probelm with quantum theory is that so far it cannot be reconciled with gravity. The other problem comes from trying to explain the double slit experiment. There is the premise that until something is observed, it is exisitng in all possible states. And there is also the hypothesis that each state a particle is in exists in another parallel Universe. The main problem is how come we don't experience quatum events on a larger scale.Roger Penrose has just written a new book, which I am about 2/3s done with and he's got a solution which seems very simple but could also be very revolutionary. In accordance with his theory and the consensus of the science community, every particle or object creates a gravitational field. So, if an electron is in every possible state at once, it creates infinite gravitational fields. Yet the more massive an object is, the more powerful gravity is and the more energy is required to keep those fields sustained. If an object is over a certain threshold, over time, the system or wave function reverts back to its most simple state -- one object in one location, like a person. The more massive this object is, the quicker the field collapses. If the object is under the threshold, where gravity is incredibly weak, gravity itself can be disregarded as the amount of time needed for an electron system to coalesce into a single location is almost infinitely large. I believe, if something is a little bigger tha a spec of dust then quantum theory has little affect on the object.Anyway, this is mostly speculation and calculations as I don't think lab experiments have proved this yet. In any event, it is a simple, elegant hypothesis. In science, I am more moved by ideas that seem simple and explainable. It is a far more elegant reconciliation of gravity and QED than superstrings, In my opinion.Anyway, thought some of you science nuts might dig this. I recomend getting Penrose's book, The Road to Reality. peace
Does it come on tape, and is there a break on it?
Probably, but the book's abot 1000 pages = 60 hours of lstening or more. Possibly htere's a break around page 430. I could see them translating that equation into one.
HAHA! Is it "Me=Mc's Scared" by any chance? (not mine, borrowed from someone's post about a rapper named I think Einstein).
You can have your post back now.
I have not read any quantum theroy stuff. I have heard theroist on the radio talking about string theroy, multible dimensions and such.
I have read a few popular books on relativity and chaos.
How easy is this to read and understand for someone like me with no real math skills or college level science?
Its really not that difficult. Some of the ideas just take a little bit of time to sink in. If you can handle chaos, quantum theory shouldn't be hard. I'm not primarily a math/science person either. If you get into this shit though, you'll want to learn the math. It might even be fun.
seriously though that sounds cool ima check that