have you tried hoctor yet? A few years ago I ordered a bunch of old store stock from them directly ('theme from black belt', 'corizon', 'gold coast'). Stay away from their cover of 'scorpio' and 'shaft' though. And to place an order you may need their catalog numbers if I am not mistaken.
I have the Hoctor with the Black Belt Jones cover, Very Nice... IT's the record lp with the yellow trim and dude standing/dancing on the cover... I'm willing to trade PM me if you have a list for trade... I am looking for stuff but just can't think at the momment...
I have a record on Kimbo called LIFE Living is Fitness Exercise. A few chase funk, soul jazz, and psyche songs. Feel free to PM. 2 discs, one with instruction, one without.
have you tried hoctor yet? A few years ago I ordered a bunch of old store stock from them directly ('theme from black belt', 'corizon', 'gold coast'). Stay away from their cover of 'scorpio' and 'shaft' though. And to place an order you may need their catalog numbers if I am not mistaken.
I actually did that and the lady acted like I was crazy. She said she was going to check and get back to me but never did. Wasn't much of a suprise. I left it alone after that.
have you tried hoctor yet? A few years ago I ordered a bunch of old store stock from them directly ('theme from black belt', 'corizon', 'gold coast'). Stay away from their cover of 'scorpio' and 'shaft' though. And to place an order you may need their catalog numbers if I am not mistaken.
yeah, i had those 45s. i didn't like them either. i want some lps.
there are some super nice lps on hoctor. i downloaded their catalogue. the lps that they are offering are not that interesting. is there a complete hoctor discography online? i need to know some titles, numbers and musicians.
Grop, be careful with Hoctor lp's. I'm sure you know this, but there are a lot of really bad ones. I found a giant box of Hoctor's and Statler's over this last summer and there were really very, very few solid ones. Some of the better one's are "Jazz in Focus", and "Jazz on the Road" on Hoctor - and the Frank Hatchette lp's on Statler. But, all these go for wayyy more $$ than they are worth IMO.
alright, this is what I did. I would not suggest everybody doing this though. When I called Hoctor they told me about their catalog which listed a complete discography (cat numbers, song titles, etc.). But they ONLY send them out to dance studios or theater houses. So I had to call up and pretend that I was running a jazz dance studio and I wanted the catalog. Two weeks later, I got it, made my order and was done. I threw out the book a few years ago, sorry.
*even though they sell you old store stock, the pressing quality is poo, do not be suprised to hear a constant hiss in the recording.
" hello, am i speaking to hoctor rekorts? i'm a churman jazz tance teacherrrr and i would like to orderrrr your komplete katalog, plaese. is 'sis possiple? do you ship to churmany?"
maybe i should call them after all. would be funny. a german guy ordering vinyl records for his jazz dance class.
" hello, am i speaking to hoctor rekorts? i'm a churman jazz tance teacherrrr and i would like to orderrrr your komplete katalog, plaese. is 'sis possiple? do you ship to churmany?"
" hello, am i speaking to hoctor rekorts? i'm a churman jazz tance teacherrrr and i would like to orderrrr your komplete katalog, plaese. is 'sis possiple? do you ship to churmany?"
Grop, be careful with Hoctor lp's. I'm sure you know this, but there are a lot of really bad ones. I found a giant box of Hoctor's and Statler's over this last summer and there were really very, very few solid ones. Some of the better one's are "Jazz in Focus", and "Jazz on the Road" on Hoctor - and the Frank Hatchette lp's on Statler. But, all these go for wayyy more $$ than they are worth IMO.
" hello, am i speaking to hoctor rekorts? i'm a churman jazz tance teacherrrr and i would like to orderrrr your komplete katalog, plaese. is 'sis possiple? do you ship to churmany?"
I'm sure there are some under the radar ones, but I'm not even sure it matters with the way people throw stupid money at any Hoctor record that gets to eBay. I've sold some REALLY sketchy ones for like $30-50
And to place an order you may need their catalog numbers if I am not mistaken.
I actually did that and the lady acted like I was crazy. She said she was going to check and get back to me but never did. Wasn't much of a suprise. I left it alone after that.
yeah, i had those 45s. i didn't like them either. i want some lps.
there are some super nice lps on hoctor. i downloaded their catalogue. the lps that they are offering are not that interesting. is there a complete hoctor discography online? i need to know some titles, numbers and musicians.
I've never seen a discog, or a list of musicians
When I called Hoctor they told me about their catalog which listed a complete discography (cat numbers, song titles, etc.). But they ONLY send them out to dance studios or theater houses. So I had to call up and pretend that I was running a jazz dance studio and I wanted the catalog. Two weeks later, I got it, made my order and was done. I threw out the book a few years ago, sorry.
*even though they sell you old store stock, the pressing quality is poo, do not be suprised to hear a constant hiss in the recording.
maybe i should call them after all. would be funny. a german guy ordering vinyl records for his jazz dance class.
wow, i look a lot like that guy. who is it?
Thank God you didn't mention the other one
which other one do you mean? i'm looking for a very specific one.
Haha, it's probably the same one.
But Grope, as has been said: you REALLY don't want the entire catalog... you would have wall-to-wall crap with a few gems sprinkled in...
i think there are several good ones. i really enjoy he jazz rock usa. it's nice.
not it
The plot thickens....
That's good news actually. I thought there were only a handful of one's like that.