Swedish J Dilla interview
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I can't say anything about J's passing that hasn't already been said. But here's a Swedish interview that was aired for the second time yesterday to honour his memory. Mostly it's Jay Dee talking and his music being played, so you should definitely be able to listen to it even if you don't speak Swedish.The Page : http://www.sr.se/p3/soul/Clip 1 http://www.sr.se/p3/diverse/appdata/soul/sounds/soulA.ramClip 2http://www.sr.se/p3/diverse/appdata/soul/sounds/soulB.ram
The host, Mats Nilesk??r, has done interviews with like every soul and hiphop legend there is. He's done a long interview with D'angelo for instance...
- spidey
I haven't heard this interview yet, but I've got nothing but respect for Mats Nilesk??r. The man is a legendary radio personality in Scandinavia. I've been listening to his show since the late eighties, and he has always been thorough and sincere in his coverage of soul, funk and hiphop. He might sound goofy if you don't understand the language, but he is the real deal, make no mistake.
m_dejean. Can you tune in to swedish p3 from Denmark? How's the quality?
Good in Copenhagen. I used to catch it on my portable radio, but the last few years I've listened to it on the internet.