Irony meter hits red



  • *** You are ignoring this user ***

    I'm telling you guys, this is the move.

  • *** You are ignoring this user ***

    I'm telling you guys, this is the move.

    Why would you come into my thread if you're going to ignore me. Seems kind of dumb.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    Its basically been rebranded as "Howard Stern Radio." He's going to pump it up, then sell his shares and that 'll be that.

    I doubt it. Satellite radio is a legitimate product and anyone with a daily commute would be doing themselves a favor by getting it. Aside from the music channels, the political stations are at a time when big business has a monopoly on all forms of major media. You have to be a detective in order to figure out what is going in the news (not Bush's rhetoric), and I know Sirius has its fair share of legit news sources, although they just dumped air america.

    This is baffling to me......why is Air America having a hard time finding an audience. They appear to represent the views of a good percentage of Americans??

    i think right wing stations are just more entertaining. People like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are full of shit, but even liberals tune in just to hear what type of propaganda they are pumping on any given day. On the other hand, its kind of frustrating listening to Air America, because it gets aggravating thinking about how the average american is still buying Bush's bullshit.

    True. Also, Air America is going for an audience that isn't in the habit of listening to talk radio, or at least not political talk radio. It's funny to hear about the latest batshit-insane thing Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity said, but I have no desire to listen to the bilge pump that is political talk radio no matter which side's propaganda it's pushing.

    Also, Howard Stern is not funny.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Its basically been rebranded as "Howard Stern Radio." He's going to pump it up, then sell his shares and that 'll be that.

    I doubt it. Satellite radio is a legitimate product and anyone with a daily commute would be doing themselves a favor by getting it. Aside from the music channels, the political stations are at a time when big business has a monopoly on all forms of major media. You have to be a detective in order to figure out what is going in the news (not Bush's rhetoric), and I know Sirius has its fair share of legit news sources, although they just dumped air america.

    This is baffling to me......why is Air America having a hard time finding an audience. They appear to represent the views of a good percentage of Americans??

    i think right wing stations are just more entertaining. People like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are full of shit, but even liberals tune in just to hear what type of propaganda they are pumping on any given day. On the other hand, its kind of frustrating listening to Air America, because it gets aggravating thinking about how the average american is still buying Bush's bullshit.

    True. Also, Air America is going for an audience that isn't in the habit of listening to talk radio, or at least not political talk radio. It's funny to hear about the latest batshit-insane thing Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity said, but I have no desire to listen to the bilge pump that is political talk radio no matter which side's propaganda it's pushing.

    Also, Howard Stern is not funny.

    Air America's problem is that they very badly want the NPR lefty-intellectual set, but that crowd doesn't really like 'Talk Radio'. Plus, the best personalities they had (Mark Merin, Morning Sedition)were completely marginalized in favor of Randy Rhodes and Al Franken, who I just think are simply not good radio personalities. Their shows are just not that entertaining.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,390 Posts

    I mean, there's a big difference between cable radio and satellite radio. Having done a cable radio show show for a year, I would have to agree with him. To be honest, I think satellite radio is going to phase out extremely fast. Satellite/broadcast radio will both eventually phase out as podcasting gets more popular and accepted as a standard rather than alternative.

    just my 0.02

    I've worked in and around DAB radio for five years and it is very definitely the future. Getting better and more popular with every passing week.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    I mean, there's a big difference between cable radio and satellite radio. Having done a cable radio show show for a year, I would have to agree with him. To be honest, I think satellite radio is going to phase out extremely fast. Satellite/broadcast radio will both eventually phase out as podcasting gets more popular and accepted as a standard rather than alternative.

    just my 0.02

    I've worked in and around DAB radio for five years and it is very definitely the future. Getting better and more popular with every passing week.

    when more people get around the tech curve the popularity of subscription radio, in any form, will diminish very quickly.

    On top of that, the selection and variety is nothing compared to what's even available in podcast form right now. Podcasting's growth rate is definitely much faster than satellite' or digital, even at this early stage. Considering that DAB has been around since the 80's and few people are even aware of what DAB even is, says something right there.

    Podcasting has the advantage of both of these systems (DAB and Satellite). Even the business model for podcasting beats DAB and Satellite.

    Podcasting = the future
    DAB and Satellite = lame duck tech
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