I stepped in dog shit on the way to work, discuss!
36 Posts
I totally stepped in a clammy heap o' dog shit on the way to my work today. Luckily, there was this sturdy patch of grass to get it off on. WTF dog owners?! CLEAN IT UP!
Where is the record related content in your post?
also, this was entered into a friend of mine's zine about last kisses a few years back...
the summer of 1994 was an eternity of junkmail and confusion for me.
i was seventeen, and my pregnant girlfriend had left me to think
things over in oregon for a few months, frustrated and scared. i
was lonely/frisky and had begun a secret affair with the girl of my
bestfriend's dreams, katy ranes. the first day we kissed, we were
in a small park at the end of the cul-de-sac where i lived; open
grass, bees everywhere, she topless with the most wonderful breasts
i've seen yet... enter my neighbor, on a walk with his family,
stumbles upon us,half-naked rolling in the grass. a breif pause and
exit my neighboor, when immediately after, katy rolls topless into a
fresh pile of dogshit, smeared across her bare back. she screamed,
begging me to clean it off, and without hesitation, i reached for
her coat. our last date, this was the moment i entered into
adulthood. she would never kiss me again.