
  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts

  • Spice 1 - 187 He Wrote. this one just doesn't have any good songs.

    Dude COME ON... I mean, compare that to "Spice 1". "In My Neighborhood", "187 Proof", "Young Nigga", "Money Gone", "East Bay Gangsta"... even "Welcome To The Ghetto" was dope... comparitively 187 He Wrote is beyond forgettable. DEAL WITH IT.

    OH and Iron Monkey, I respect your grind and all, but Fatback isn't some newjack goodwill hip-hop digger... he had a lot to do with finding a guy named "Mingering Mike", don't know if you had heard of him... also has broad knowledge and deep deep crates... when you are talking to people on the internet you don't know, you might want to watch your step, as your foot may go in your mouth...

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    I'm on to the next. Makin money in another, more lucrative industry while sad fools like you try to live out some ridiculous hip hop, thugged-out-digger fantasy. Just out of curiosity, exactly what have you EVER accomplished in the music game or ANY game for that matter? Getting all hyped up over shit records you find at Goodwill? Then gettin your panties in a bunch when I son your stupid ass? Then, you have the audacity to come at me sideways like you're really gonna step to me? Callin me a bitch? Hahaha.... c'mon man, you know damn well you ain't steppin to ANYONE.

    I even suggested we have a soundclash or something to put an end to the bickering. Kinda drive home the point that this is lighthearted. You come back with "I'd rather bite your face off"? Seriously bro, get a grip on reality.

    You DO NOT know me, fool. Furthermore, you better hope upon hope that you never actually meet me. AND if you do, apologies better come out that mush mouth of yours quick, fast in a hurry or I can personally guarantee you'll be seconds away from your teeth becoming "past tense". I've entertained this little tirade of yours long enough because honestly, you sounded downright silly gettin mad over some message board trash-talk. However, it's highly inappropriate of you to talk like this over dumb shit. You have no sense of humor, you lack common respect and it's obvious by your knee-jerk defensive reactions that you are heavily outclassed and inept in various areas by comparison to MANY of your peers on here. You need to check yourself.

    You nutsack midget Kojak trick. I fucking own you. Don't forget that.

    When you're really successful you don't need to brag. So stop by anytime and see how big dudes live.

    I remember you had another hissy fit when someone else posted a discuss thread about nu-metal. I just think it's so sad that you think people are "biting your style" by doing that. You got to actually have style to get it bit.

    I've moved on from this topic and made my points. You can rest assured that you will see me one day. And don't keep any delusions about hearing apologies. I'd love to have good reason to defend myself.

  • Broken Language is definitely the track here but Dollar Bill with DV alias Krist (or however he spelled it) is my shit. The back and forth with the singing and Smooth's rapping on that slow ass beat always sounded good to me, but I'm a fool for singers on rough beats.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    So stop by anytime and see how big dudes live.


  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    You nutsack midget Kojak trick. I fucking own you. Don't forget that.


  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

    I was just talking to my man Mirage about this album the other night on the way to the Scarface show. We both agreed that in 1993 "187 He Wrote" got more play out of car systems strategically parked at Austin neighborhood basketball courts than anything else that year. In other words, it's a classic in regards to the local black experience.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

    This turned out well. Let's do another.

    So I listened to these last night and this AM. Each one has a few good tracks. I think the Mic Geronimo the best overall. Not as good as Illdelph halflife though. Ear to the Street is so bad it's hilarious.

  • I'm on to the next. Makin money in another, more lucrative industry while sad fools like you try to live out some ridiculous hip hop, thugged-out-digger fantasy. Just out of curiosity, exactly what have you EVER accomplished in the music game or ANY game for that matter? Getting all hyped up over shit records you find at Goodwill? Then gettin your panties in a bunch when I son your stupid ass? Then, you have the audacity to come at me sideways like you're really gonna step to me? Callin me a bitch? Hahaha.... c'mon man, you know damn well you ain't steppin to ANYONE.

    I even suggested we have a soundclash or something to put an end to the bickering. Kinda drive home the point that this is lighthearted. You come back with "I'd rather bite your face off"? Seriously bro, get a grip on reality.

    You DO NOT know me, fool. Furthermore, you better hope upon hope that you never actually meet me. AND if you do, apologies better come out that mush mouth of yours quick, fast in a hurry or I can personally guarantee you'll be seconds away from your teeth becoming "past tense". I've entertained this little tirade of yours long enough because honestly, you sounded downright silly gettin mad over some message board trash-talk. However, it's highly inappropriate of you to talk like this over dumb shit. You have no sense of humor, you lack common respect and it's obvious by your knee-jerk defensive reactions that you are heavily outclassed and inept in various areas by comparison to MANY of your peers on here. You need to check yourself.

    You nutsack midget Kojak trick. I fucking own you. Don't forget that.

    When you're really successful you don't need to brag. So stop by anytime and see how big dudes live.

    I remember you had another hissy fit when someone else posted a discuss thread about nu-metal. I just think it's so sad that you think people are "biting your style" by doing that. You got to actually have style to get it bit.

    I've moved on from this topic and made my points. You can rest assured that you will see me one day. And don't keep any delusions about hearing apologies. I'd love to have good reason to defend myself.

    Hahaha... you OWN me? Aren't you that moron with the Prince Valiant hairdo? Nice style, bro. At least you don't have to worry about anyone trying to bite that. C'mon man, you're talking so much ridiculous shit that I can't even take you seriously. As far as the whole bragging thing... Hey, you asked. You livin large, doggie? Good for you. The good life ain't no secret to me either.

    Paycheck said something about me not knowing who you were. I know exactly who you are and I'm far from impressed. So ya dug up some pretty pictures and got your name in the paper. And? You got some records? Yeah, and?

    As far as biting my style: dude, it's a message board. Schnipper came up with "letters to things and people", I came up with the discuss thread. Other folks have their regular entries as well. When someone tries to co-opt it. I bust their chops. It's all in good fun. Now, this is where our thing became personal. I don't understand where your misdirected anger came from and I don't give a shit. Slangin insults at me in a public forum the way that you have is unacceptable and uncalled for. You have no reason to disrespect me. We'll see how much of tough guy you really are the day we meet face to face.

    For all the years I've been a part of this site, I've never had beef with anyone. Again, you need to check yourself.

  • ugggghhh, it's cold in here.

  • um, i came up with the I HATE PEOPLE thread which i might add, this thread is treading dangerously close to. so all of you shut the fuck up.

    this here tiff may very well be settled best in THA_KARAOKE_BOX[/b]

  • dayday 9,611 Posts


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

    this here tiff may very well be settled best in THA_KARAOKE_BOX[/b]

    With "You've lost that lovin feeling" ???

    I would prefer the thunderdome with the whole "Two men enter. One man leave" deal... But ur way might be ok too...

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    They're called jokes, sherlock. You know... jokes, like your taste in music. A big fuckin joke!

    Check myself? I'm alright. You already checked me though, but I checked your fucking ass right back.

    I started off asking you a legitimate question regarding your response to my post.

    You chose to come at me personally.

    You think you can do that and expect me to just sit here? Come on.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts

    You think you can do that and expect me to just sit here? Come on.

    Well, technically, you are still there and you are stil sitting, right? Unless you wrote that last post standing up.

  • They're called jokes, sherlock. You know... jokes, like your taste in music. A big fuckin joke!

    Check myself? I'm alright. You already checked me though, but I checked your fucking ass right back.

    I started off asking you a legitimate question regarding your response to my post.

    You chose to come at me personally.

    You think you can do that and expect me to just sit here? Come on.

    Dude, I don't see how that's a personal attack. Besides, I'm just fucking around, DUH!
    You took it to the next level with that crazy shit! WTF?
    Plus, not for nothin, but those records you chose to discuss are pretty weaksauce.

    Whatever, dude. Just apologize already! Hahahaha....

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts

    "So stop by anytime and see ho"?

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    "So stop by anytime and see ho"?

  • ====

    "So stop by anytime and see ho"?

    Didn't you mean to put this in the classic rap albums thread?

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts

    "So stop by anytime and see ho"?


  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    They're called jokes, sherlock. You know... jokes, like your taste in music. A big fuckin joke!

    Check myself? I'm alright. You already checked me though, but I checked your fucking ass right back.

    I started off asking you a legitimate question regarding your response to my post.

    You chose to come at me personally.

    You think you can do that and expect me to just sit here? Come on.

    Dude, I don't see how that's a personal attack. Besides, I'm just fucking around, DUH!
    You took it to the next level with that crazy shit! WTF?
    Plus, not for nothin, but those records you chose to discuss are pretty weaksauce.

    Whatever, dude. Just apologize already! Hahahaha....

    OK I apologize.

    I misread your fucking around as a personal attack. I understand that often sarcasm doesn't work here.

    And it's a bowl cut not a Prince Valient.

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts

    "So stop by anytime and see ho"?

    Didn't you mean to put this in the classic rap albums thread?

    Back in the mid-90s in SC, my man Robbie did some customizing work that involved olde-English stencilling "DIRT ROAD WHITE BOY" in the windshield tint on a lowered Honda something.


  • It's like, "ex-squeeze" me, but
    have you ever heard of styling gel?

    I'm sure Hansel's heard
    of styling gel. He's a male model.

    Earth to Brint.
    I was making a joke.

    Earth to Meekus.
    Duh, okay? I knew that.

    Earth to Brint.
    I'm not so sure you did...

    'cause you were all,
    "I'm sure he's heard of styling gel"...

    like you DIDN'T know it was a joke!

    I knew it was a joke, Meekus.
    I just didn't get it right away.

    - Earth to Brint...
    - Would you guys stop it already!

    Did you ever think that maybe
    there's more to life...

    than being really, really,
    ridiculously good-looking?

  • They're called jokes, sherlock. You know... jokes, like your taste in music. A big fuckin joke!

    Check myself? I'm alright. You already checked me though, but I checked your fucking ass right back.

    I started off asking you a legitimate question regarding your response to my post.

    You chose to come at me personally.

    You think you can do that and expect me to just sit here? Come on.

    Dude, I don't see how that's a personal attack. Besides, I'm just fucking around, DUH!
    You took it to the next level with that crazy shit! WTF?
    Plus, not for nothin, but those records you chose to discuss are pretty weaksauce.

    Whatever, dude. Just apologize already! Hahahaha....

    OK I apologize.

    I misread your fucking around as a personal attack. I understand that often sarcasm doesn't work here.

    And it's a bowl cut not a Prince Valient.

    Well, hey I apologize too. Sorry I dissed you like that. Beef squashed. Just a misunderstanding....
    Glad that's over with. I'm kinda embarrassed now. Gettin too old for this shit...

  • so this wife and husband whose home was being remodeled by my boyfriend were murdered on tuesday in el cerrito. they were stabbed in their sleep by the wife's brother.

    two weeks ago the wife gave my boyfriend a crate of records to give to me, mostly kinks and talking heads lps.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts

  • It's like, "ex-squeeze" me, but
    have you ever heard of styling gel?

    I'm sure Hansel's heard
    of styling gel. He's a male model.

    Earth to Brint.
    I was making a joke.

    Earth to Meekus.
    Duh, okay? I knew that.

    Earth to Brint.
    I'm not so sure you did...

    'cause you were all,
    "I'm sure he's heard of styling gel"...

    like you DIDN'T know it was a joke!

    I knew it was a joke, Meekus.
    I just didn't get it right away.

    - Earth to Brint...
    - Would you guys stop it already!

    Did you ever think that maybe
    there's more to life...

    than being really, really,
    ridiculously good-looking?

    excellent film

  • so this wife and husband whose home was being remodeled by my boyfriend were murdered on tuesday in el cerrito. they were stabbed in their sleep by the wife's brother.

    two weeks ago the wife gave my boyfriend a crate of records to give to me, mostly kinks and talking heads lps.

    Thats really fucking sad.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    so this wife and husband whose home was being remodeled by my boyfriend were murdered on tuesday in el cerrito. they were stabbed in their sleep by the wife's brother.

    two weeks ago the wife gave my boyfriend a crate of records to give to me, mostly kinks and talking heads lps.
    that's so fucked up... reminds me of the dood that tried to ice george harrison and his wife 6-7yrs ago. it happened at 4:20.
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